Plane forced to make emergency landing after cocaine bursts in drug mule’s stomach

Plane forced to make emergency landing after cocaine bursts in drug mule's stomach

A plane was forced to make an emergency landing after the cocaine packages a Birmingham man had smuggled in his stomach burst.

Colmin Smith, 48, had swallowed 61 pellets filled with the white powder before boarding a Virgin Atlantic flight from Antigua to London Gatwick.
A short while into the flight he told a flight attendant what had happened and then lost consciousness.
The plane made an emergency landing at Bermuda’s L.F. Wade International Airport, where medics were waiting to perform emergency surgery.
It was later discovered that the drug mule was carrying 239.39 grams of cocaine with a street value of £40,000.
Smith appeared in front of magistrates in Antigua and admitted one charge of possession of the drug and was fined £471.

Robbers Write Ogun Estate Residents: We Are Coming For Your Cash!

ogun NL We Are Coming For Your Cash! Robbers Write Ogun Estate Residents

Residents of Elerinko Estate in Ijoko-Ota in Ogun State should better sleep with their eyes open as armed robbers have written them that they are going to attack them real soon… 

If you are a resident of Elerinko Estate in Ijoko-Ota, Ado-Odo/Ota Local Government Area of Ogun State, you may have to withdraw all your cash and keep them at home at all times because you may soon be visited by some men of the underworld who have written letters to residents that they are going to come after them real soon.

The daring armed robbers sent pasted the threat letters of their impending attack on buildings, electric poles and other points in the estate, letting the people know that they are coming and that they should be prepared for them.
They advised the residents to make cash available in their own interest, saying they would invade the community anytime soon. The residents were also warned not to treat the demand as an empty one.
Though the Ogun State Police Public Relations Officer, Mr. Muyiwa Adejobi, said the command was aware of the threat and had beefed up security to forestall any attack, the residents are very worried that the robbers would carry out their threats real soon.

Five Killed After Catholic Church Bombing In Kano

A bomb exploded today at the St. Charles Catholic Church in the ancient city of Kano, Kano State, Nigeria shortly after the end of Mass.
Frank Mba, the public relations officer of the Nigerian police, confirmed the attack. An eyewitness source said a bomber threw an explosive into the church premises soon after the end of today’s church service.

The bombing killed five people and injured 8, said the police source, adding that, among the dead, was a soldier assigned to guard the premises of the church.
Today’s bombing attack at the church is the third terrorist incident in Kano in recent times. Two previous attempts to attack a mosque and a university were thwarted by the police in the city.