Good news! Paypal is back in Nigeria! why travel to Dubai? learn how to open a Paypal account in Nigeria with your ATM card

Paypal just included Nigeria among the countries that can trade online using Paypal account. after along period they lifted the ban to enable Nigerian participate fully in global market.

The good news is that you don’t need to travel abroad again to buy goods, just open a Paypal account, order goods and pay with your local ATM card via paypal

all you need is an email account and an ATM card.

a friend just informed me and i have opened mine. is safe and reliable. 

Step 1: Sign Up

Complete the sign up form. Paypal will send you an email and you simply click on a link to confirm your email address.

Step 2: Add card

Add your credit card information to your account. PayPal will store and safeguard your card details for your future purchases.
you can use your Zenith, UBA, GTbank ATM card to register with paypal, a four digit code will be sent you. for Zenith bank customers, you have to get this digit from customer service.
not just opening a paypal account, your Nigerian ATM Visa and Master card will be configured to buy goods online.

FIFA Emergency Committee suspends Nigeria Football Federation

(FIFA) – The FIFA Emergency Committee has decided today, 9 July 2014, to suspend the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) with immediate effect, on account of government interference. Article 13, par. 1 and article 17, par. 1 of the FIFA Statutes oblige member associations to manage their affairs independently and with no influence from third parties.

The decision follows a letter sent by FIFA to the NFF on 4 July 2014, in which it expressed its great concern after the NFF was served with court proceedings and consequently an order preventing the president of the NFF, the NFF Executive Committee members and the NFF Congress from running the affairs of Nigerian football was granted by a High Court of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
The said court order compelled the Nigerian Minister of Sports to appoint a senior member of the civil service to manage the NFF until the matter was heard in court, without giving any date for such a hearing. The authorities then appointed a person who decided to convene an extraordinary general assembly on 5 July 2014. This extraordinary general assembly was convened in violation of the NFF statutes.

Originally, an elective congress had been planned by the NFF to take place on 26 August 2014.
The suspension will be lifted once the court actions have been withdrawn and the properly elected NFF Executive Committee, the NFF general assembly and the NFF administration are able to work without any interference in their affairs.
As a result of this decision, no team from Nigeria of any sort (including clubs) can have any international sporting contact (art. 14 par. 3 of the FIFA Statutes). During the period of suspension, the NFF may not be represented in any regional, continental or international competitions, including at club level, or in friendly matches. The most immediate effect is that Nigeria will not be entitled to participate in the upcoming FIFA U-20 Women’s World Cup (5-24 August 2014) should the suspension not be lifted by 15 July 2014.
In addition, neither the NFF nor any of its members or officials may benefit from any FIFA or CAF development programmes, courses or training during the suspension period.

Police arrest Pastor that impregnates married women and young girls ‘in the name of God’

The Police in Nsukka, Enugu State, recently, arrested a 53-year-old man who claims to be the Pastor of Ministry of the Holy Trinity in Umudikwere community whom they alleged specializes in impregnating married women and young girls in his ministry.
Police sources alleged that the Pastor identified as Timothy Ngwu, the General Overseer of  Ministry, sexually abuse female members of the ministry and claim that the Holy Spirit directs him to do so in the name of God.
How it was blown open
Crime Alert gathered that the alleged sexual exploits of the self-acclaimed man of God was blown open when his estranged wife, Veronica Ngwu, who hails from Udi L.G.A and have three children for the pastor, could no longer stomach the sexual rascality of her husband. She reportedly  lodged complaint with the Anti- Child Trafficking Unit of the Criminal Investigation Department, Enugu, which led to the arrest of Timothy Ngwu, for alleged sex and child abuses/trafficking.

Veronica, the estranged wife of the suspect reportedly informed the police that she escaped from the ministry with one of her daughters when her husband impregnated her niece and claimed he was obeying the directives of the Holy Spirit and a prophetic revelation.  She also informed detectives led by Gloria Udoka (DSP) that the situation at the Vineyard ministry of the Holy Trinity was better imagined than seen alleging that her husband converts married women and single girls to his own and impregnates all of them while pretending to be obeying spiritual directives.
His claims
The Pastor allegedly claimed that the women he had sexual intercourse with in his ministry was as a result of directives from the Holy Spirit and with the consent of their husband, if married, but for the single, a spiritual directive.  Ngwu who until his arrest, was a Scrutiny Officer and Statistician with National Bureau of statistics, one time Assistant  Catechist at St. John’s Catholic Church, Ihe- Owerre, Nsukka and now General Overseer, Vineyard Ministry of the Holy Trinity, Umudikwere, Nsukka where he inducts married women and young girls seeking for solution or favor but ends up impregnating them.
Police statement
The police in Enugu also alluded to the allegations when it issued a statement through the Public Relations Officer, DSP Ebere Amarizu, stating that two women, among others in the enclave of the vineyard, left their husband to reside with the General Overseer. According to the statement, the two women identified as Calista Omeje and Assumpta  Odo, confirmed that they left their husbands to live with the
General Overseer on the prophetic injunction to do the will of God.
The statement noted that Calista revealed that she had 10 children for her husband but was later impregnated by the General Overseer (Timothy)while the baby died later. Calista also said that she gave out her daughter to the General Overseer to be impregnated, an act she described as “the fulfillment of the will of God.”
Amarizu noted in the statement that the Pastor said he had five wives with 13 children apart from other concubines who he had,  courtesy of the prophetic direction to do the will of God.   “Timothy Ngwu said that Veronica used to be his wife but described her as a falling wife.”
He also said, “I do not do anything with any married woman until the full consent and agreement were sought and reached between the husband in line with the directives of the Holy Spirit to do the will of God, which is an act of spirituality.”
Inside the Ministry
When Crime Alert traced the Vineyard Ministry of the Holy Trinity, it was discovered to be located right inside the compound of the father of the General Overseer without any sign post, while about 15 women and four men were seen taking lessons from an elderly woman who acts as an instructor in the vineyard. The entrance to the ministry was barricaded with a heavy iron gate which restricts non- members from gaining entry.  Our reporter who refused to turn back when he was told by one man who identified himself as Hillary, that the General Overseer traveled out of town after a heated argument on the mission of the reporter to the ministry, peeped through an opening at the gate when Hillary left to invite others to compel him to leave the premises.  A large number of children and adult women were seen scattered inside the compound barricaded with the iron gate.
A neighbor reacts
Neighbors, however, intimated Crime Alert that everything in the ministry were shrouded in secrecy as children born there were allegedly confined within the ministry and denied communication with any other person outside, neither do the children have access to receive formal education, except the doctrine of the ministry.
…Brother too
A brother to the self-acclaimed General Overseer who pleaded anonymity told Crime Alert that he was not surprised that police invaded the ministry, explaining that all warnings by members of Ngwu family to compel Timothy to desist from the act fell on deaf ears. “Let me tell you, God’s anger has befallen my brother, we have
severally appealed to him to stop what he was doing but he refused. He has colonized our compound,  bearing children with recklessness. He accused us of being jealous of him because he is doing the will of God,” he stated.
Nodding his head in disgust he continued, “look at these buildings here, he has converted all of them to himself in the name of vineyard. I can’t say exactly what informed his spirit to the devilish  act in the name of God. He sacked his betrothed wife who has three children for him and embarked on impregnating married women and young girls. Look at the whole compound littered with children of
different sex and age.
“How can an educated man of his status reason like an unrefined man? All members of the vineyard are fools, how can a woman abandon her husband for another man in the name of worshiping God and  practice adultery?  I cannot get myself involved in this matter; Vero has opened the vessel of worms in the vineyard. Let them sort themselves out with the police but I want the ministry to be shut down completely,” he explained.
Investigations also revealed that the General Overseer was chased out of the St. John’s Catholic church, Ihe/Owerre Nsukka as an assistant catechist when Bishop Emeritus of Nsukka Catholic Diocese, Rt. Rev. Dr. Francis Okobo, discovered that he was teaching heresy, called him to order but he wouldn’t listen and was excommunicated by the Catholic church, which led to the establishment of the Vineyard Ministry of the Holy Trinity where all manner of sexual styles were practiced by the General Overseer of the ministry.

BRT RAMPAGE: Army states own side of story, flays Soyinka on

LAGOS— THE Army authorities, yesterday, in Lagos, said the Lance Corporal who was knocked down and killed by a BRT bus along Ikorodu Road last Friday, was not riding motorbike on the BRT lane as widely reported.
Rather, the deceased, according to the Army, was crushed to death on the normal lane plied by other motorists, maintaining also that soldiers were not responsible for the damage done to BRT buses but hoodlums who hijacked the situation.
This is just as the Nigerian Army has taken a swipe at Nobel laureate, Prof. Wole Soyinka, over a statement credited to him describing the Army as ‘mad,’ while reacting to the incident at a public function last week.
Chris Olukolade
Army flays SoyinkaThe army in a statement made available to Vanguard and signed by the Deputy Director, Army Public Relations, Lieutenant Colonel Omale Ochagwuba, said: “In a situation where a respected elder statesman will stand up in a public function and based on hear-say call a respected professional organisation like the Nigerian Army which is one of the major pillars of democracy and fighting to keep the country together as mad, is unfortunate and unbecoming.

“In less than a week, he has made two careless offensive statements. At times, he seems to speak before weighing the consequences of his statement.
“The Nigerian Army is a professional force which is law-abiding like any other citizen. The military is a highly disciplined organisation which also takes necessary steps to see that its erring members are brought to book at any time the need arises to enforce discipline.”
How the soldier was killedTo set the records straight, Ochagwuba explained that: “On July 4, a Lance Corporal of Nigerian Army, who was on his way to the office on Ikorodu Road around Obanikoro area between 6:30 and 6:45am, was knocked down and killed by a BRT bus with number plate KSF 995 XJ.
“It is pertinent to state here that the late soldier was riding a power bike approved by the state government and he was neither riding inside a BRT lane nor was the BRT bus that killed him driving inside the BRT lane.
“The innocent law-abiding soldier was killed on the normal lane being plied by everybody as against what is being alleged by some sections of the media. The soldier was hit from the rear and killed instantly.
“As stated earlier in our release, the mayhem visited on the BRT buses was the handiwork of hoodlums who seized the opportunity of the tragic situation to vent their anger on the buses for reasons best known to them.“We know the peculiar nature of Lagos where miscreants always take advantage of situations like this to cause havoc.
“In a situation like this, people are bound to wrongfully accuse soldiers because they were seen around the offending bus which was not even attacked. With careful analysis of the incident, one will observe that the BRT buses vandalised were far removed from the scene of the accident.
Soldiers wronglyaccused“It is pertinent to once more remind the good people of Lagos that the BRT bus in question that killed the soldier and triggered the tragic consequences was neither vandalised nor burnt.
“It was same soldiers who are being wrongfully accused of burning buses and causing mayhem, which is not true, that secured the BRT bus and protected it from hoodlums before it was later towed into the barracks for safety and also prevented the hoodlums from causing further mayhem on the road and cleared the route for traffic to flow.
“We have pictures of the bus at the scene of the accident and while it was being towed away to safety. The bus in question has since been released to the BRT management.
“The question begging for answer now is: why is the bus itself that killed the soldier which was already in soldiers hands not vandalised or burnt? Is it not logical that, it should have been the first target of their anger as alleged?
“These are hard times for Nigerians and all hands should be on the deck to bring peace to the country rather than inflame passion. The Lagos State Government, which is supposed to be the most aggrieved party, did not jump into conclusions. The Lagos State Government said they are investigating. That is a matured way of handling situation rather than reacting on public opinion.”