British mom, Jennifer Butler is leaving her three children in UK to marry American prisoner. Do you think she’s in her right sense?

Isaiah 49:15
“Can a woman forget her nursing child, or have no compassion for the child of her womb? Even these mothers may forget; But as for me, I’ll never forget you! 

I now understand this bible verse clearly.
is very hard to comprehend why a woman could give up her wonderful children for a prisoner.
A British mother is leaving her children behind to make a new life with a U.S. prisoner she met online.
Jennifer Butler, 29, is flying 5,000 miles from the UK to French Robertson Unit in Texas to marry Christopher Mosier, 23, leaving her three young kids who are all younger than 10.
She plans to move in with him when he is released on parole in September. Her children will stay with their dad, from whom she split in 2010.
‘Some people might think I’m bonkers for falling in love with a prisoner. And not everyone will agree with our relationship,’ Butler said. ‘But Chris is a wonderful man. Sure, he made a few mistakes in the past, but everybody deserves a second chance.’

Butler says she felt an immediate connection to him and was impressed by his honesty.
‘I felt sorry for him being locked up, nobody to talk to except other prisoners. Of course, I didn’t condone his crimes. But he was still a human being, and deserved to have a friend,’ Butler said. 

‘I was really intrigued by his profile. It was different to the rest. Most of the guys were posing with their tops off. But his was articulate and he was open about his crime.’
They started writing up to three times a week and their relationship deepened, but in June 2013 she suddenly stopped receiving his letters.
I felt really sad that I hadn’t heard from him. That’s when I realized my feelings for him ran a lot deeper. I no longer saw him as just a friend anymore,’ Butler said.
‘Then a month later I received a letter from him. He told me that the prison had been on lockdown so he had not been able to get stamps to write to me,’ the smitten mom said. 
‘I realized I was in love with him and that letter made me admit it to myself. I couldn’t bear to lose him.’
Their relationship became more serious, and Butler even encouraged her three children — Tyler, 8, Tristan, 7, and Mia, 4 — to write to Mosier, too.
The jailbird frequently sent them letters back with drawings for his cell that they had made him.
The mom-of-three says she believes it’s important for her children to get to know him, as she now plans to spend the rest of her life with him.
After saving from her monthly wages as a part-time sales assistant, Butler was able to afford a trip to visit Mosier in prison.
‘Leaving my children is not an easy thing to decide to do. But I want to get everything ready for them in America before they move, too,’ she said. 
‘I’m doing this for our future because I want us to be a family. I need to set up a life out there for us and I’ll do whatever I can to get them over with us as soon as possible.’
She added, ‘I am devoted to my children but they deserve a happy mum too. This relationship will be for me but the life I build is going to be for all of us.’
Butler says she believes her children are just as excited about the move as she is, and although they haven’t met their future stepdad yet, she’d confident they’ll make a happy family.
‘My children are excited about eventually moving over there. As kids, they won’t realize about me not being around until I’m actually gone. It’s going to be hard saying goodbye, but I know I’ll see them again soon,” she said. 
‘It’s fine because they know I’m going over there to find us a house and to sort out their schooling. The main thing is that they’re excited to get to meet Chris.’
Butler concludes: ‘I know he did a terrible crime but he’s a changed man. He’s going to make a wonderful husband and a brilliant stepdad to my children.

Culled from dailymail uk

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