Breaking News: Amaechi floors Omehia at Supreme Court

The Supreme Court this morning declared Governor Rotimi Amaechi of Rivers State validly elected, throwing out the suit brought before it by All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA), candidate, Mr. Celestine Omehia.
The Court ruled on whether Mr. Omehia, has the legal right to appeal the Federal High Court judgment, which held that Governor Rotimi Amaechi’s tenure ended on May 29, 2011.
 A five-man panel of the apex court had adopted their briefs of arguments in the consolidated appeals that

were filed by Governor Ameachi and a chieftain of Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, in the state, Chief Cyprian Chukwu.

 Both Ameachi and Chukwu, told the Supreme Court panel headed by Justice M. Muntaka-Coomassie that the Abuja Division of the Appeal Court, erred in law, when it granted Omehia the leave to appeal against the High Court judgment, even though he was not a party in the substantive suit that culminated to the appeal.

Aba residents condemn soldiers invasion of police area command

Residents of Aba have condemned Monday invasion of the police area command by soldiers lamenting that those who ought to unite and tackle the spate of kidnapping and other crimes in the state were involved in a show of shame.
Hell was let loose in Aba, Abia State when soldiers invaded the area command of the  police in a Gestapo style and wounded two police officers.
The rampaging soldiers said to be over 50, stormed the police command in an Armoured Personnel Carrier (APC) and over five Hilux vans, and did not spear civilians within the neighbourhood of the area command headquarters. They were said to have cordoned off the area and forced businesses to close as people around scampered for safety.

In the ensuing fracas, the glass door of a patent medicine shop directly opposite the area command main entrance was shattered as soldiers allegedly stormed the shop to prevent one of the police officers wounded during the fracas from receiving first aid treatment.

Daily Sun gathered that trouble started at about 6.15pm on that day, when a police officer attached to the area command went to purchase some drugs with his pregnant wife, also a serving police officer and parked his car in front of the drugs store but a man who was later identified as an army captain ordered the police officer to remove his vehicle from where it was parked.
The cop was reported to have explained to the soldier that he was a police officer and that he would move as soon as he buys the drugs but the soldier refused and during an argument, the army captain allegedly slapped the policeman and he retaliated.
Other soldiers, who were inside the army van, came down with their guns and threatened to kill the policeman, but for the wife who insisted they should kill her first.
Although passersby, who had gathered to watch the ugly episode, later made peace between the two men, soldiers, who were said to have been alerted by the captain, stormed the police area command.

Source: the Sun

Exclusive Inside Story on Bieber’s ‘Pot’ Plane

This boy should slow down if not he will end very soon! negative news of him is getting out of hand. culled from Mediatakeout
Justin Bieber and his father were “extremely abusive” to a flight attendant as their private jet flew from Canada to New Jersey on Friday, forcing her to take refuge in the cockpit, according to an official report obtained exclusively by NBC News.
According to multiple law enforcement sources, the leased, luxurious Gulfstream IV on which the

19-year-old Canadian pop star, his father and an entourage of 10 friends traveled was so full of marijuana smoke that the pilots were forced to wear oxygen masks.

“The captain of the flight stated that he warned the passengers, including Bieber, on several occasions to stop smoking marijuana,” says the official report of the incident. “The captain also stated he needed to request that the passengers stop their harassing behavior toward the flight attendant and after several warnings asked the flight attendant to stay with him near the cockpit to avoid any further abuse.”
According to multiple sources, the attendant was forced to spend much of the flight near the pilots as the plane travelled from Canada to Teterboro, N.J.
“The flight attendant stated the passengers, including Bieber and his father, Jeremy Bieber,” stated the report, “were extremely abusive verbally and she would not work another flight with them.”
The pilots, despite a pressurized cabin, were forced to wear their oxygen masks during the flight, according to multiple sources, so that they wouldn’t risk inhaling marijuana and failing any subsequent drug test, which would put their licenses at risk.
According to officials, when the plane landed at Teterboro, a suburban airport that caters to the rich and famous and their private aircraft, it was met by DEA and Customs and Border Protection agents and police. There was still marijuana smoke inside the cabin, according to the report.
Officials decided to question Bieber separately from the other passengers, said the report, because “in past examinations, Bieber had become argumentative and abusive when together with his security team.”
When interviewed at Teterboro, Bieber admitted smoking marijuana and drinking alcohol, but stated that he did not have any additional marijuana.
According to federal and regional sources, the troubled star, his father, and his entourage, who were headed to the New York City area to attend the Super Bowl and related parties, first drove toward the U.S.-Canadian border in a motor coach. They turned back and flew from Waterloo, Ont. to Teterboro instead.
After Bieber’s flight landed Friday, drug-sniffing dogs from Customs and Border Protection and the New York/New Jersey Port Authority Police Department sat down as they walked around the plane, meaning the dogs were alerting handlers to the possible presence of drugs. Authorities then boarded the jet, which multiple sources said reeked of marijuana. However, no unsmoked weed was found during the search.

The two drug dogs also alerted handlers to the possible presence of drugs in three pieces of luggage. “One bag was labeled as belonging to Justin Bieber, one was listed as belonging to his personal assistant … and one [was] labeled as belonging to his personal trainer.”
The trainer and the assistant “disavowed knowledge of the contents of the bags and stated they were actually Bieber’s bags, but they were forced to place their names on the bags,” according to the report. No “contraband” was found, however.
No members of the flight crew were willing to file charges against their passengers, so Bieber, his father and his friends were allowed to go on their way.
After the Bieber entourage left, however, two sources said that authorities performed another search of the plane and found empty bags that appeared to have once contained marijuana. None of the items could be linked to Bieber, his father, or their guests.
Neither Drug Enforcement Administration officials nor Customs and Border Protection officials would comment to NBC News. The aviation company that flew the Bieber entourage to New Jersey, Meridian Air Charter, also declined comment.
The incident was the third encounter with law enforcement in recent weeks for Bieber. In late January, he was arrested for alleged drunk driving in Miami after an alleged drag race, and then arrested in Toronto for an alleged assault on a limo driver that occurred in late December.
Bieber had planned to spend Super Bowl weekend at New York City’s Four Seasons hotel, said the report, and depart Monday.
“Bieber … stated he would be watching the game from a private suite in METLIFE stadium, but he was unsure who owned the box he would be staying in. He stated that his assistant would probably know.”
On Sunday, the 19-year-old was shunned at the door of the New York City club 1 Oak and turned away from at least four Super Bowl parties, according to the New York Daily News’ Confidential column.
On Tuesday, Bieber settled a Los Angeles lawsuit with his former bodyguard, who accused the pop star of assaulting him in 2012.

Soldiers And Policemen Exchange Blows In Aba

Tragedy struck at Aba, the commercial nerve centre of Abia state on Monday as more than fifty soldiers stormed the Aba Area Command in search of a policeman who slapped their colleague.
The soldiers who came in five Hilux jeeps and an Armoured Personnel Carrier threatened to burn down the station if the police did not produce the policeman. gathered that a policeman in company of his wife were involved in a minor traffic accident as they hit their Mercedes car into another car driven by a soldier in company of his colleague. The soldiers was said to have alighted from their car and slapped the policeman.
The incident which took place at Jubilee road junction, near the Aba Area Command attracted the attention of policeman who pleaded with the soldiers to forget the incident.
The soldier refused and threatened to shoot the policeman. As the encounter went on, the other soldier made a call across to their colleagues who stormed the scene and started flogging everybody in sight, including policemen.

When information got to the Aba Area Command, the policemen mobilized and blocked the gate with their APC, threatening to return fire for fire. Some of them vowed to deal with the intruding soldiers if they dare cross their gate. The situation grew worse when one of the soldiers stabbed a Deputy Superintendent of Police identified as Rotimi who was discussing with another soldier on how to bring the situation under control. As a result of this, more policemen ran into the premises and brought out their rifles.
Minutes later, another Hilux jeep filled with soldiers landed on the spot at top speed. The incident would have degenerated but for the intervention of the Aba Area Commander, ACP Tunde Mobayo and the Commander of the Army unit at Ngwa road, Major Bello who appealed to both parties to sheathe their sword.
When the all frayed nerves were calmed, not less than two policemen and five shop owners and passersby sustained injuries inflicted on them by soldiers. As at the time our correspondent visited the area, people were seen in clusters discussing the incident. Many of them displayed injuries inflicted on them by the irate soldiers.

22 killed in Plateau state

At least 22 people were killed in a raid in Plateau state, in central Nigeria on Thursday, locals said, in the second such attack in the area this week.
Gunmen opened fire in the predominantly Muslim village of Mavo in the Wase local government area at about 2:00 am (0100 GMT) in an apparent warning, witnesses said.
Security forces in the area went to investigate and the gunmen returned in the early afternoon, shooting villagers and burning houses.
“The attackers came to the village in their hundreds and started shooting sporadically. I counted 22 persons who were already dead. Over 10 houses were also burnt,” said local resident Nangak Bako.

It was unclear who carried out the attack but on Tuesday, about 30 people were killed in two mainly Christian villages in the nearby Riyom district in a similar raid and more than 50 houses burnt.
The interim administrator of Wase council, Zakari Haruna, and state police both confirmed the attack but neither gave a casualty figure. There was no immediate comment from the military.
Plateau state has a long history of ethnic and religious violence between Hausa-speaking Muslim Fulani herdsman and Christian groups.
More than 10,000 people are thought to have died in tit-for-tat violence in Plateau and neighbouring Kaduna state since 1992, Human Rights Watch said in December last year.
Other causes include perceived favouritism or discrimination on the part of the local authorities towards the two groups