29-Year Old Man Lands In Prison For Raping a 2-Year-Old Girl

An Osogbo Magistrates’ Court, Osun, on Friday remanded a 29-year-old man, Akeem Ibrahim, in prison custody for allegedly raping a two-year-old girl.
Magistrate Olusola Aluko, who gave the order, directed that the accused be remanded in prison custody due to the magnitude of the offence.
The Prosecutor, Insp. Fagboyinbo Abiodun, had told the court that the accused committed the offence on Feb. 2, at about 1:00 p.m. along Fagi Isale Afon, Ikirun Area of Osun.

Abiodun said the accused unlawfully had carnal knowledge of the girl.
He said the action of the accused, contravened section 218 and 222 of the Criminal Code, Cap 34, Vol. 11, Laws of Osun, 2003 and 2007.
Abiodun said he would be charged with assault and rape.
The counsel to the accused, Mr Ragenious Ugwu, urged the court to grant his client bail in most liberal terms.
The magistrate however overruled the bail application and ordered that the accused to be remanded in prison custody, pending formal application for bail.
He adjourned the case to March 3 for mention.

Angry Dad Throws Daughter From 3-Storey Building

An angry father, Deji Kamoru, is in trouble for throwing his 14-year old daughter, Aishat, from their three-storey building home after he caught her with her boyfriend in his bedroom.
In annoyance, he allegedly tied Aishat’s hands, tortured her and threw her from the third floor of their house at Oroyinyin Street, Lagos Island, Lagos State, southwest Nigeria.
We  learnt that when Aishat landed on the ground, she hit her head against a metal object and became unconscious.
The teenager was rushed to Lagos Island General Hospital in Lagos where she is under intensive care.
Though Aishat is still alive, it was gathered that  she cannot talk or recognise any body at the hospital.
The police at Adeniji Adele Division arrested Kamoru but later released him on bail so that he could take care of the victim and foot her medical bill.

it was gathered that Kamoru separated from Aishat’s mother some years ago and took custody of their four children, including Aishat, whom he has been living with before the incident happened.
On the day the incident happened,  Kamoru, who is a driver and security guard, went to work and returned early to prepare for his night duty but met the door to his apartment locked inside.
Convinced that Aisha was inside and must have locked the entrance door to their apartment, he started knocking at the door until she eventually opened it.
Before Kamoru could react when he sensed that his daughter was with someone, Aishat’s boyfriend reportedly escaped. He lost his temper and allegedly tortured and threw her from the third floor of their house.
The landlord of the house, who did not want his name mentioned, confirmed the incident. he said he was shock that a man would express his anger by causing such pain to his own daughter.
“Though I do not justify what his daughter did, he should have controlled his anger,”  he said.
When reporters visited the hospital, one of the staff told our reporter that the victim has been in coma for days and was later transferred to LASUTH for further examination and treatment.
The DPO of  Adeniji Adele Division, Monday Agbonika, who confirmed the incident, declined further comment and referred our reporter to the Police Public Relations Officer, Ngozi Braide, saying the most important thing for now is to save girl’s life.
Braide could not be reached at the time of this report because her phone was switched off.

‘I don’t regret a single one of my THREE HUNDRED tattoos’: Pensioner, 64, is inked all over – including eyeballs on her knees

Grandmother Sheila Jones has given her body to art – and covered it with nearly three hundred tattoos.
The 64-year-old had her first DIY mark as a schoolgirl when she put a boy’s name on her arm with a sewing needle and pot of Indian ink.
She then had six done over an 18-month period in her late 30s after she married and started her family.
They included roses on each forearm and left leg, a Celtic-style band on her left upper arm and crosses on both her arms.
But it was when Sheila met second husband Rob, 49, who she married in 2006, that her interest in tattoos really took off.

He was a ‘hobby tattooist’ who did body art for family and friends and Sheila was perfect to practice on.

Shelia has a large koi fish on her thigh, birth sign Aquarius, butterflies and eyes on her back along with Jesus on the cross and eyes on each knee

Sheila’s obsession started as a schoolgirl experiment with a sewing needle and pot of Indian ink. Sheila, then 15, had a crush on a boy and decided to get her friend to ink his name on her arm
Sheila had two new ones a week until her entire body was covered, apart from her stomach and bottom.
In total she has 268, including the names of her four children, stars, two birds and several of the Mister Men.
She has the words ‘bad girl’ on her left foot, flowers across her torso, Betty Boo, ice cream cones and even a Marmite jar.
There is a large koi fish on her thigh, birth sign Aquarius, butterflies and eyes on her back along with Jesus on the cross and eyes on each knee.
Sheila Jones has had a total of 286 tattoos inked all over her body, starting at just 15 years old
Sheila says she doesn’t regret any of her tattoos and that they make her who she is
Sheila says her inkings mean she is often stopped on the street by strangers who want to ask her about her body art
Her favourite tattoo is on her left foot – the name of her favourite rock star, Mick Jagger from the Rolling Stones
Her favourite tattoo is on her left foot – the name of her favourite rock star, Rolling Stone, Mick Jagger.
Sheila, a grandmother-of-13 from Weston-super-Mare, Somerset said: ‘I often get stopped in the street, especially by more elderly people, who ask about my tattoos.
‘They are usually curious about how many I have got.
‘They don’t inhibit my life at all. It’s my body and my tattoos make me who I am. I don’t regret having them at all.’

Wife logs on to Facebook to discover her bigamist husband had married a Gambian teenager (at the SAME wedding venue)

A bigamist was caught by his wife after she saw a photograph of him grinning with his new Gambian teenage bride on Facebook.
Nicolette Smith was further devastated when she noticed Stephen Smith, 52, had married Awa Jobarteh, 19, at the same African register office they tied the knot at seven years earlier.
Ms Smith then called the police, but incredibly her cheating former partner has avoided jail and claimed he was the victim.
The factory worker had been abandoned by his new young bride two days after arriving back in the UK, and she has never been traced.
Nicolette met her husband in 2001, after his first divorce, but has been left in financial ruin after their marriage breakdown

She was declared bankrupt when Smith failed to pay the mortgage and is still waiting for her husband to sign divorce papers, Teesside Crown Court was told.

The 52-year-old was prosecuted for bigamy after he admitted ‘hastily’ rushing down the aisle with his third wife because he was in love.
The court heard that the day before the wedding Smith signed a petition for divorce from his second wife, which carried a signature purporting to be by Nicolette – but it was faked. 
Nicolette admitted she was disappointed that he was given a six-month prison sentence suspended for two years with 150 hours’ unpaid work.
‘I feel as though he’s got away with this and has been portrayed as some kind of victim himself after all that he’s put me through. He knew if he responded to my divorce petition, he’d give away where he’d been hiding,’ she said.
Discussing the way he was dumped by his new bride she told The Sun: ‘She looked so young in the pictures and he looked a little pathetic. I don’t know what else he could have expected’.
Smith claimed he was a wronged victim, duped and abandoned by his latest spouse after he met her in Gambia, married her on November 7, 2012 and brought her to the UK.
Smith married his second wife in December 2005. The marriage broke down two years later. 
He went missing and her solicitors received no reply in efforts to start divorce proceedings. She then reported him to the police when she found out that he’d remarried.
Smith admitted a charge of bigamy, his first crime but said he had thought he was divorced and that his divorce was ‘automatic’.
Robert Mochrie, defending, said: ‘This was a man who acted rather hastily. It is, you might
think, absurd somebody is getting married on the same day they are handed a divorce certificate. If he’d waited just a few months perhaps, a divorce might well have been finalised,’ adding that Smith’s motive was love.
‘This defendant, born in 1961, was perhaps understandably taken by her and was keen to tie to knot,’ said Mr Mochrie.
‘He has been wronged. He was abandoned by his third wife. Her intentions were quite clearly to dupe a man of more senior years, as so often happens with men who travel to foreign lands to seek happiness.’
Judge Tony Briggs said he had ‘considerable sympathy’ for Smith’s second wife, prevented from divorcing him by his lack of co-operation. He said: ‘I can well understand her being extremely upset by the thought that you’d married again without the courtesy of going through a divorce with her.’
He did not know what was in the mind of Smith or his third wife, who has not been traced, adding that people were under a ‘very considerable and serious duty’ to divorce previous spouses before marrying again.
The judge also advised Smith, of Whitwell-on-the-Hill, North Yorkshire, to recognise reality and sort out his divorce.
Source: Mail online

Man with 14 inch TAIL Indian worshipped as a reincarnation of a monkey god

A man with a 14.5-inch hairy tail growing from his back has been hailed as a god by villagers in India.
Chandre Oraon, 35, was born with a patch of hair on his lower back and has refused to have it cut, leading to locals believing that he is an incarnation of Hindu monkey deity Hanuman.
Worshippers travel hundreds of miles to queue up outside his house in Alipurduar, West Bengal, to seek blessings by touching his tail.

Mr Oraon, who works as a tea picker, said: ‘I am Hanuman. People have a lot of respect for me because of my tail. I don’t mind the tail at all. It is a gift by god.’
His followers see his ability to climb trees as proof that he is Hanuman, and believe he has healing powers.
Monika Lakda, who had travelled overnight to see Mr Oraon at his small makeshift shrine, said: ‘My brother’s son was once very unwell and had fever.
‘We gave him medicine but it did not work. So we came to Chandre to seek his blessings. The baby recovered soon after that.
‘We believe that Chandre is an incarnation of Hanuman. They say he was born on the Holy Hanuman day. So we have faith in him.
Doctors have offered to have the long tail removed, something which Chandre has vehemently resisted.

He said: ‘Once my mother chopped of my tail when I was young. Soon after, I got a high fever and I was very sick. My mother told me that I almost died.
‘After that, everyone said I must keep the tail. My family said they felt me getting sick was a sign that my tail was divine.’
Mr Oraon’s tail is a result of the birth defect spina bifida, which can result in lower-back growths or, as in Mr Oraon’s case, a tuft of hair, which can grow into a tail if left uncut.
Spina bifida occurs when the spinal column does not close all of the way down – it is one of the most common permanently disabling birth defects.
It is highly likely that Mr Oraon was born with a form of spina bifida called spina bifida occulta.
A spokesperson for Shine, a spina bifida charity, told MailOnline that it is quite common for children with spina bifida to have a hairy patch on their back.

Mr Oraon’s uncle, Baldev Ram, said: ‘With age, his tail has also been growing longer. So, we realised very early that he has the blessings of God.’
Despite having found fame as a revered Godman, Mr Oraon admits it wasn’t always easy.
He said: ‘When I was young, kids in the village used to make fun of me and my tail.
‘They used to laugh. They used to pull my tail just for fun.’
And he revealed that his tail was also a turn-off for the ladies – with his family saying over 20 women rejected his romantic advances before he met wife Maino, 38.
He said: ‘A few women rejected my proposals. I had gone to see a girl once. She immediately noticed that I have a tail. 

Mr Oraon married Maino, 38, in 2007, before the couple had a daughter, five-year-old Radhika.

He is persevering with plans to build his own temple so he can offer mass blessings.
He said: ‘I want to build a temple. But I am poor man, so I am looking for some help. I work but then I don’t earn much, so I need to find other ways to fund my dream.’