11 Reasons You Should Start Eating Mango

Mangos taste so good that you forget how healthy they are. Here are healthy reasons why you should stock up on this king of fruits.
Nutrition by the numbers
1 cup contains the following percentages applied to daily value
103 calories
75 percent vitamin C- antioxidant and immune booster
24 percent vitamin A- antioxidant and vision
12 percent vitamin B6 plus other B vitamins- hormone production in brain and heart disease prevention
10 percent healthy probiotic fiber
8 percent copper- a co-factor for various vital enzymes plus production of red blood cells
8 percent potassium- balances out your high sodium intake
5 percent magnesium
Mango prevents cancer

Researches have shown antioxidant compounds in mango fruit have been found to protect against colon cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancers and leukemia. These compounds are isoquercitrin, quercetin, fisetin, astragalin, methylgallat and gallic acid as well as the abundant enzymes.
Mango decreases cholesterol levels
Levels of vitamin C, pectin and fiber found in a high level in mango help to decrease serum cholesterol levels, specifically LDL- the bad stuff.
Mango clears the skin

This tasty and super flashy yellow- colored fruit can be used both externally and internally for your skin. A mango clears clogged pores and eliminates pimples.
Mango for Eye health
1 cup of sliced mangoes supplies 24 percent of the needed daily value of vitamin A, which promotes good eyesight and prevents dry eyes and night blindness.
Mango alkalizes the whole body
The malic acid, a trace of citric acid and tartaric acid found in the mango help to maintain the alkali reserve of your body.
Mango helps in diabetes
Leaves of mango help normalize insulin levels in your blood.  The traditional home remedy involves boiling leaves in water, soaking through the night and then drinking the filtered decoction after you wake up. Mango fruit also has a relatively low glycemic index so moderate quantities will not spike your sugar levels.
Mango improves sex
Mangos are a great source of vitamin E. Even though the well known connection between vitamin E and sex drive was originally created by a mistaken generalization on rat studies, recent researches have shown balanced proper amounts as from whole food does help in this area.
Mango improves digestion
Papayas are not the only fruit that contain enzymes in order to break down protein. There are many fruits, including mango, which has this healthful quality. The fiber in mangos also helps elimination and digestion.
Remedy for Heat Stroke
Juicing the fruit from green mango and mixing with water and a sweetener helps to cool down your body and prevent harm to it. From an ancient medicine viewpoint, the reason people often get diuretic and exhausted while visiting equatorial climates is because the strong energy of sun is burning up the body, especially the muscles.  The kidneys become overloaded with the toxins from this process.
Mango boosts immune system
The generous amounts of vitamin A and vitamin C in mango, plus 26 different kinds of carotenoids keep your immune system strong and healthy.

Baby with a hole in his heart need your help

Help as indigent parents shop for N3.7m to save their son culled from THE SUN
Life must be miserable for Mr. Adeyemi’s family as they watch  their nine-month old child battle with a life-threatening ailment, even as they have no power to render any help?
That is the fate of Mr. and Mrs. Sakiru Oyetunji Adeyemi, a civil servant based in Sokoto State.
Each day, they appear very helpless even though they sincerely wish to save their little son from his current predicament.
Master Muhammad Mujahid currently lies on his sick bed in the pediatric unit of Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital (UDUTH), Sokoto.
He was diagnosed, as having a hole in his heart, which, according to medical findings, could only be closed through an open-heart surgery.

Right from his birth, little Mujahid has been suffering from shortness of breath. As a result of the ailment, he cannot play or crawl like a normal child of his age. Little Mujahid has also stopped putting on weight.

A visit to the children’s ward where he is on admission exposed the pathetic condition of the toddler.
In an interview with the reporter, Mujahid’s father recalled that their son’s predicament started one-week after his birth. He was immediately rushed to a private hospital for treatment. But to their utmost disbelief, he was discovered to be having cardiac disorder (heart disease) after tests.
“We got to know about the problem around June last year, just two months after his birth, although, we have been running around, concerning his health since he was a-week old,” he noted.
Ever since, the little boy and his parents have been in and out of the hospital, seeking medications that could subdue the pains and other distress symptoms occasioned by his condition.
In an emotion-laden voice, Mr. Adeyemi said: “He was first admitted at Sokoto clinic, a private hospital before we were referred to the Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital (UDUTH), Sokoto. Ever since, he has being on medication to subdue the pains.
“I cannot even quantify how much I have spent since we discovered the problem. All my savings are gone and I’m still owing, just to make sure the child gets back to normal.”
In a move to save Master Mujahid from the life threatening ailment, Dr. Usman M. Sani, a Consultant Paediatrician and Paediatric Cardiologist, under whom he was admitted, had written a reference letter to the Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases in India.
The letter, written through the Teaching Hospital in Sokoto, detailed how a surgical heart operation could be carried out in a bid to correct Mujahid’s heart abnormality.
The institute is a medical mission based at Chennai in India, and renowned for its expertise in surgical operations relating to heart diseases.
But the Indian hospital would be able to help only if the parents could part with N3.7 million. The amount covers both the medical bill and other sundry expenses, including the return tickets.
According to medical experts, the open-heart operation consists sof correction of the Mitral Valve defect, as well as the removal of obstructing membrane.
But getting the needed money is now a major issue. The indigent parents, who hail from Oyo State, are appealing to kind-hearted Nigerians to come to their aid and help get the boy back to a normal life.
“Those willing to help us can reach me on 08034449862. Details of my account are: Adeyemi Sakiru Oyetunji, GTBank 0136442094.
“We have put our hope in Almighty God. We are also appealing to all well meaning Nigerians to help us out of this situation. Though it seems all hopes have been dashed, we still believe that God can raise people to help us out of this challenge so that our little boy will not die,” said the distraught father.

Soldiers take to their heels as B’Haram kills 37 in Adamawa

On Wednesday, the bloodletting extended to Adamawa State where Boko Haram terrorists, armed with rocket-propelled grenades nearly sacked four communities.
Banks, shops, part of a local government secretariat and houses were reported to have been looted and burnt during the six-hour simultaneous raids on the three communities – Michika, Gulak, Shuwa and Krichinga – by the militants.
It was gathered that in Shuwa, Madagali Local Government Area, a repeat of the Yobe massacre was averted when the insurgents attacked the Christians Teacher College, Christian Secondary School and a Catholic Convent.

“When the soldiers at the military checkpoints saw the number of the attackers, they retreated into the nearby bushes as the gunmen operated without challenge during the operation that lasted throughout the night,” the cleric said.
In Michika, Michika LGA, another group of Boko Haram gunmen burnt three banks, a police station, part of the Michika LGA secretariat and shops.
A resident, who identified himself simply as Fide, told the News Agency of Nigeria, that the attackers, who arrived in nine vans firing guns and throwing explosives, killed a banker and a villager.
Fide said, “They burnt three banks, a police station, shops and part of the Michika LGA secretariat.
“One of the dead body is that of a member of staff of the Bank of Agriculture.”
Some other residents of Michika said they slept in the hills and nearby bushes during the mayhem that lasted for about five hours. Ja’afaru Nuhu, who also confirmed that communities in Madagali and Michika LGAs were attacked, told NAN that details of the incident would be released at a later stage.
Grace Hassan, an indigene of Michika, told The Punch that the attacks that started at about 8pm lasted till 2am, adding that information at her disposal indicated that the mayhem sent fear into the hearts of residents of Lassa, a neighbouring town in Borno State. We had to run into the bushes believing they might come to attack our houses.
“It was later on Thursday morning that we saw smoke billowing from afar and got to know there were attacks in Shuwa, Gulak and Michika, all in Adamawa State.”
It was also gathered that the sect attacked Krichinga, a village about five kilometres east of Shuwa. Chris Olukolade, said during a news conference in Abuja on Thursday, that the campaign had already taken off in Borno, Yobe and Adamawa states which are under emergency rule.
The Defence spokesman said that terrorists fleeing towards Nigeria’s borders with Cameroun had severely attacked some communities in desperation for food and money.
“Unfortunately, however, they have in the course of their flight towards various borders, continued to perpetrate mayhem as noticed in some parts of Adamawa State yesterday (Wednesday), where they attacked communities.
“In desperation for money and food, they looted and burnt banks, shops and filling stations along their way through Michika as they headed for the Camerounian border.”
Olukolade said that three civilians and a soldier were killed in the attacks on the Adamawa communities while six insurgents were gunned down and two captured alive.
He said that the DHQ believed that the insurgents who attacked the Federal Government College, Buni Yadi in Yobe State were the same people behind the Michika onslaught

Samuel Eto’o: i am too matured to be distracted by Mourinho’s too much talk

Samuel Eto’o says he will not ‘cause trouble’ by responding to comments made by Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho about his age.
The Portuguese tactician was heard during a conversation about his lack of firepower at Stamford Bridge claiming that 32-year-old frontman Eto’o could be as old as 35.
The Cameroonian striker was offered the opportunity to reply following a UEFA Champions League outing at Galatasaray on Wednesday.
Eto’o was happy to joke about the issue with reporters, claiming he still has ‘juice’ and can keep scoring goals ‘until I am 50’.

He went on to explain to beINSports that while he was disappointed not to start Chelsea’s latest European outing, he has no axe to grind with his boss and will not be drawn into a debate regarding a discussion which Mourinho considered to be private.

Eto’o said, “I am Samuel Eto’o, to disturb me will take much more than this. I know my place and I won’t reply. I would have liked to be in the starting XI so I am disappointed to be on the bench, but I respect the choice of the coach.
“I came to Chelsea mainly because of Jose, because we have a great friendship. Things happen in life and you have to face them. But it doesn’t change the player I am and the career I have had. You want me to cause trouble by revealing all of my thoughts. I want us to go as far as possible in this competition and in peace.”

Obasanjo, Buhari, Mark refused to attend centenary event

According to Punch Newspaper, three of President Goodluck Jonathan’s successors-ex-President Olusegun Obasanjo; ex-Heads of State, Maj. Gen. Muhammadu Buhari (retd.) and Gen. Ibrahim Babangida – as well as President of the Senate, David Mark, were on Thursday absent from the country’s centenary being held in Abuja.
They did not attend the international conference held as part of activities marking the centenary, which was attended by about 30 heads of governments and international organisations.
But another three former leaders, Gen. Yakubu Gowon, Alhaji Shehu Shagari and Chief Ernest Shonekan, as well as ex-Vice President Alex Ekwueme and a former Chief of General Staff, Lt.-Gen. Oladipo Diya (retd.) attended the event.

The conference tagged, “Human Security, Peace and Development: Agenda for 21st Century Africa” was held under tight security at the International Conference Centre, Abuja.

Other dignitaries in attendance included the Speaker of the House of Representatives,  Aminu Tambuwal; Deputy Speaker, Emeka Ihedioha; state governors; security chiefs; former Secretary-General of the Commonwealth, Chief Emeka Anyaoku; National Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party, Alhaji Adamu Muazu; the chairman of the party’s Board of Trustees, Chief Tony Anenih; members of the diplomatic corps, members of the National Assembly, members of the Federal Executive Council and other top government officials.
The heads of governments in their goodwill messages commiserated with the Federal Government and Nigerians on the Tuesday killing of schoolchildren in the Federal Government College, Buni Yadi, Yobe State.
They urged Nigerians to unite against terrorists, saying no nation could develop in an atmosphere of violence.
Meanwhile, civil servants and other workers with offices located on Herbert Macaulay Way, Central Business District Abuja, the same neighbourhood with the venue of the event  had difficulties accessing their offices on Thursday because of the tight security.
Many of them were forced to park away and trek to their offices as traffic was diverted.
Armed security operatives were deployed at strategic points in the area.