New STD Killing Within Days Emerges

There are reports that a new Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) superbug has emerged and according to experts is more deadly than AIDS and could cause an epidemic.

According to the report,  an antibiotic-resistant strain of gonorrhea has surfaced, a strain which is more aggressive than AIDS meaning the potential to infect the public will be exponentially greater.

Alan Christianson, a doctor of naturopathic medicine, thinks this new deadly STD has the power to kill more than the 30 million people who have already died from AIDS-related causes worldwide, which would be catastrophic.

Gonorrhea (colloquially known as the clap) is a common human sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae. The usual symptoms in men are burning with urination and penile discharge. Women, on the other hand, are asymptomatic half the time or have vaginal discharge and pelvic pain. In both men and women, if gonorrhea is left untreated, it may spread locally, causing epididymitis or pelvic inflammatory disease or throughout the body, affecting joints and heart valves.

Muslim woman who refused to lift her veil in British court admits witness intimidation after jury were discharged for failing to reach verdict

I published previously about this gist, read it here

A Muslim woman who refused to lift her veil to give evidence in court has admitted terrorising a security guard at a mosque.
Rebekah Dawson, 22, ‘frightened and intimidated’ Daudi Yusuf, at Finsbury Park Mosque in north London in a row over her niqab.
Dawson refused to give evidence during a four-day trial with her brother Matthias, 32, after being ordered by the judge to remove her veil if she went into the witness box.
She claimed her religion prevented her removing the veil in the presence of men but Judge Peter Murphy ruled that it was of ‘cardinal importance’ that a jury could see her face while she gave evidence.
The case caused nationwide controversy last August following Judge Murphy’s refusal to hear Dawson’s plea after she refused to show her face.
In his ruling the following month, Judge Murphy said that Dawson could not expect the court to ‘set aside its established procedure’ to accommodate a ‘particular religious practice’.

Dawson had denied intimidating a witness.
But months after the taxpayer-funded court case, she decided to change her plea to guilty today after a jury of six men and six women failed to reach a verdict against her and her brother.

After she announced her decision prosecutor Kate Wilkinson said there had been a ‘change in the evidential picture’ and the case against Matthias Dawson was being dropped
Mr Yusuf was a trial witness in proceedings against Dawson’s husband, Royal Barnes, following an incident on June 10.
The Dawson siblings returned to Finsbury Park Mosque on June 23 at around 8.45pm so that Rebekah Dawson could threaten Mr Yusuf.
She confronted the security guard about what he had told police about Barnes before calling him a liar.
Dawson brought her brother Matthias to further threaten Mr Yusuf, it was claimed.
He was accused of obscuring his face with his hood before shouting at him that he ‘knew what he looked like’ and that ‘he was finished’.
Dawson claimed he had spoken to Mr Yusuf only to discuss the original row involving her husband.
She said that the initial argument started when Mr Yusuf asked Dawson to remove her veil at the mosque and that her niqab had been the ‘elephant in the room’ during the trial.
Dawson had to remove her veil for a female police officer who then verified that she was the defendant at the start of every court session.
‘Ms Dawson either gives evidence with the niqab off or she remains in the dock with it on’, her barrister Susan Meek said.
‘She has remained in the dock.
‘The fact that she feels unable to remove her niqab may be something that you have quite strong views about – it may be something you agree with, it may be something that you don’t’.
Rebekah Dawson, of Stroud Green, north London, admitted a single count of witness intimidation.
Matthias Dawson, of Sydenham, southeast London, denied the same charge.
Dawson will be sentenced on a date to be fixed.

‘I’ve found Mike!’ Sucidal man whose life was saved by a stranger six years ago is reunited with him after global Twitter campaign #FindMike

God is the giver of life. He gives, and He takes away (Job 1:21). Suicide, the taking of one’s own life, is ungodly because it rejects God’s gift of life. No man or woman should presume to take God’s authority upon themselves to end his or her own life
 Below is a report from Mail Online about a young man who was searching for a stranger that stopped him from taking his own life.  Imagine if he succeeded in this ungodly act, what would have been his fate?
God is the only one who is to decide when and how a person should die

A man whose life was saved by a stranger six years ago after he tried to jump off a bridge has been
reunited with the person who saved his life following a global Twitter campaign.
Two weeks ago, Jonny Benjamin, now 26, appeared on ITV’s Daybreak appealing for the man who encouraged him not to jump off Waterloo Bridge, in London, to come forward.
He had launched the #FindMike appeal – desperate to say thanks to the kind stranger who talked him down from the bridge.
Today, Mr Benjamin was back on the television programme, but this time to reveal that following the
search which went worldwide he has been reunited with the Good Samaritan – Neil Laybourn.
The #FindMike campaign was backed by Rethink Mental Illness, and Mr Benjamin used Facebook and Twitter to find the mystery man and saved his life.
After a number of TV, radio and newspaper interviews, his appeal soon went viral, with the hashtag #Findmike trending in the UK and countries as far afield as Canada, South Africa and Australia.

Celebrities including Stephen Fry, Kate Nash and Boy George tweeted their support. 
Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg backed the campaign.
Speaking to Aled Jones and Lorraine Kelly, Mr Benjamin said he couldn’t believe he has been reunited with the man who persuaded him not to kill himself six years ago. 
He said: ‘It was really overwhelming to be reunited with him again. It still feels like a dream. 
‘He was determined not to let me jump and that was what pulled me back over the edge.’ 
Personal trainer Mr Laybourn, 31, from Surrey, said when he saw the tweet he knew straight away Mr Benjamin was looking for him. The pair were reunited on Tuesday.
Mr Benjamin had climbed on to a ledge on the bridge after spending a month in hospital. 
He had been diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder. 
As Mr Benjamin contemplated jumping into the River Thames, Mr Laybourn spoke to him and offered to buy him a coffee.
He said: ‘It all happened very quickly but I think as soon as I saw what was happening, I registered 
what was going on straight away. 
‘There was a little while before I was able to come over to Jonny and I was just thinking all the time 
to try and get to him.’
Mr Laybourn admitted he had never forgotten about Mr Benjamin and modestly spoke about being pleased that he could help a man in need.
He said: ‘Initially in the first few months [I thought about Jonny] and then a bit more sporadically over time but I always, every year, thought “What happened? Where is he? Was he okay? Did he ever go 
‘It’s really nice to have a conclusion. It’s incredible to think that I was able to do that and to help him. 
‘I’m just thankful that I was able to say the right things. It’s a bit of luck and fate’ before he joked to Mr Benjamin ‘You owe me a favour!’
The #findmike Twitter campaign trended in countries including Canada, South Africa and Australia, but it was Mr Laybourn’s fiancée who saw the campaign tweet.
Mr Benjamin, a video blogger who has presented a BBC Three documentary on mental illness, is also making a documentary film about his search which he hopes will be broadcast in the spring.
According to Rethink Mental Illness schizoaffective disorder affects about 1 in 200 people.

Banker docked for allegedly stealing N28m ATM money

The level of greed among our present youths is getting out of hand, if truly we are the future leaders of this country then we have to lead by example. We condemn and talk down on our leaders because of their corrupt mind, but little opportunity comes our way we mismanage it.

Each time I read about fraud and stealing within the banking sector, I feel sad knowing that all these crimes are committed by people who are well paid. We search for jobs and when one is given to us, we mismanage it all because of greed and I want to belong syndrome.
This is what Vanguard reported about two former staff of the defunct Intercontinental Bank PLC

LAGOS — Chief Magistrate, Mrs. Oshodi-Makanju, of an Ikeja Magistrate Court has heard  how two former staff of the defunct Intercontinental Bank Plc (now Access Bank Plc) allegedly stole N28.81  million belonging to the bank.

The prosecutor, Police Supretendent J. Onilegbale told the court that the money, which was meant for the Automated Teller Machines (ATMs), was stolen in bits by the two defendants over a period of seven months (February to September 2009 ) until it accumulated to N28 million.
The defendants, Olanrewaju Shittu, 26, and Babatunde Salami, 25, are standing  trial before the court and had since pleaded not guilty to the charges preffered against them. They are facing a seven-count charge bordering on conspiracy, fraud and stealing.
The court  had earlier  granted them bail in the sum of N1 million each and two sureties in the like sum, one of which the magistrate said must be a director  of a bank or in the civil service.
The prosecutor told the court that Shittu and Salami, on September 8, 2009 conspired to defraud the bank of the said sum contrary to the law. He submitted that Salami received N700,000 from Shittu, knowing same to have been stolen from the money meant for ATMs and thereby committed an offence.
He  claimed that one of the defendants,  Shittu, opened  different accounts with  FirstBank of Nigeria Plc with the intent to defraud the defunct Intercontinental Bank.
The prosecutor alleged that part of the stolen N28.7 million was lodged into the accounts and gave details as follow: Account no: 4852010020068—N1,016,136.25; current account no: 4854010003780—N3,000,000.00;  fixed deposit account no: 48554010003629—N5,000,000.00 and  fixed deposit account no: 4852920730396—$7,282.89
He alleged that Salami  did received the various sums of money from Shittu knowing fully well that the money was meant for the ATM Machine.
The prosecutor further argued that Shittu also stole N110,000 that was meant for the ATMs  from the Lawanson Branch of the defunct Intercontinental Bank  on  September 4, 2009 at about 09. 07 a.m., adding that the money was, however, recovered by one Mr Akinshola Akinshina, who was the Acting Operations Officer of the branch of the bank at that time.

Ohaneze to Northern elders: Touch Ihejirika, incur our wrath

AWKA — OHANEZE Ndigbo, the apex Igbo socio-cultural organisation, yesterday, warned the Northern Elders Forum, NEF, to stop threatening the former Chief of Army Staff, Lt. General Azubuike Ihejirika, or be prepared to face the wrath of Ndigbo.
Anambra State president of Ohaneze, Dr. Chris Eluemunor, who spoke with reporters in Awka, said that the former Army chief never did anything unlawful, adding that he performed his duties diligently for Nigeria.
Eluemunor was reacting to a statement by NEF threatening to drag Ihejirika to the International Criminal Court, ICC, at the Hague for alleged extra-judicial killings.
NEF had, in a communiqué recently, accused Ihejirika and six others of allegedly engaging in extra-judicial killings and strangulation of civilians by soldiers in Bama and Giwa Barracks in Borno State using an underground detention centre.

Describing the communiqué, which was signed by Professor Ango Abdullahi and six others as empty threat, he said: “Any attempt on Ijejirika will be resisted with maximum force by Ndigbo.
“If they try it, they will meet fire. We have records of atrocities perpetrated on the people of this side of the country by the Northerners and we chose to keep quiet in the interest of our dear country. If they try anything funny this time, they will see Ndigbo in their true colour.”
Eluemunor also spoke on the stand of Ndigbo in the 2015 presidential race, saying, “we are not thinking of an Igbo president in 2015 as our stand is that Ndigbo will support Goodluck Jonathan for a second term.”