Meet the Boy who plays the Trumpet with his feet and toes.


  No excuse for failure! Read and be inspired!

HE’s 10-years old. He believes he can fly. He can play the trumpet. And he has no arms. Meet – and Jahmir Wallace.
The 5th-grade schoolboy is also an inspiration. His story has flashed around the world after video of his performance at a school concert was posted online.
It was a concert like many others in a school like many others, but the boy was unlike anybody else.
Only he doesn’t see it that way.
“My older sister used to play the piano,” Jahmir told a Fox 8 New Jersey reporter. “So I thought maybe I should try an instrument. I thought maybe I could try and figure out new things.”
The sound of his success rang out during the fifth-grade winter concert held inside Green Street Elementary School in Phillipsburg.
Jahmir was born without arms.
He does everything with his feet and toes.

“Everybody who knew him said if Jahmir wants to play the trumpet, “we want him to play the trumpet,” music teacher Desiree Kratzer said.
The sound of his first note still resonates strong his the boy’s memory.
“I kind of felt excited,” he said. “I kind of felt like, oh man this is kind of comfortable and it kind of felt like this might be the one for me.”
All it took to help Jahmir achieve his dream was a little help and ingenuity.
School staff and employees at a local music store took to the task with gusto. They designed and built a special stand to hold the trumpet firm and fast.
The rest was up to Jahmir.
“To see how he moves his toes like we move our fingers,” said Raffaele LaForgia, principal of Green Street Elementary. “It’s amazing.”
Now he listens to Stevie Wonder for inspiration and says the R & B song by R. Kelly I Believe I Can Fly is his absolute favourite. He thrills in performing Go tell Aunt Rhodie with the 40-strong school band.
Jahmir is adamant he be treated just like every other student at the school.
But he is thankful for the initiative shown by his music teacher.
“If it wasn’t for her I would never know what the trumpet was,” he said.

Girl, 13, receives £24 MILLION payout after doctors at Great Ormond Street Hospital accidentally injected her brain with GLUE

A girl whose brain was accidentally injected with glue during treatment at Great Ormond Street Hospital is to receive a multi-million-pound damages payout after she was left with devastating permanent brain damage.

Despite having a rare medical condition that involved arteries and veins getting tangled, which could result in a bleed, Maisha Najeeb, of Ilford, Essex, was a healthy 10-year-old until she went into hospital in June 2010.

On other occasions, she had successfully received embolisation treatment, which involves injecting glue to block off bleeding blood vessels, and an injection of a harmless dye to check the flow of blood around the brain and head.

But on this occasion, said solicitor Edwina Rawson of legal firm Field Fisher Waterhouse, there was no system in place for distinguishing between the syringes containing the glue and those containing the dye, and they got mixed up.

This resulted in glue being wrongly injected into the artery to Maisha’s brain, causing catastrophic and permanent brain damage.

Today, Judge Birtles at London’s High Court approved a settlement against Great Ormond Street Hospital For Children NHS Trust of a £2.8million lump sum, plus £383,000 a year until Maisha is 19, increasing to £423,000 per year for as long as she lives, which some experts expect to be to the age of 64.

The trust, which admitted liability for Maisha’s injuries, repeated its unreserved apologies for the shortcomings in her care, which had such devastating consequences.

It said her family had engaged open-heartedly with the trust, which had allowed staff to really learn from what happened to Maisha so that improvements could be made.

Neil Block QC, said: ‘We can’t wind the clock back. We hope there are now systems and procedures in place to ensure such a tragic mistake cannot be made again.

‘While money can’t restore what Maisha has lost, we are sure a great burden has been lifted from the family by coming to the settlement we have.’

He said one could not help but be inspired by what Maisha’s parents, Sadir Hussain and Rukshana, had achieved in terms of their 13-year-old daughter’s rehabilitation.

‘It is probably the most intensive cognitive rehabilitation we have ever seen by a family and we would wish to acknowledge everything they have done for Maisha and wish them well for the future.’

The judge extended his sympathy and admiration to the family and said he hoped the compensation would make the rest of Maisha’s life as comfortable as possible.

Outside court, Maisha’s father said: ‘We are sad and devastated by what happened to our daughter.

‘Her life is ruined. All her dreams have been broken. I hope that by bringing this case, lessons will have been learned to avoid this happening to other families.

‘We are grateful that agreement has been reached with Great Ormond Street to ensure that Maisha’s care needs are met.’

The compensation will be spent on care and accommodation for Maisha, who needs assistance with all daily tasks day and night, is in a wheelchair and has lost the vast majority of her bodily and cognitive abilities.

Ms Rawson said: ‘What is so heart-breaking about this case is that the injury was so avoidable.

‘If the syringes had been marked-up so the hospital could see which contained glue and which contained dye, then Maisha would not have suffered what is an utterly devastating brain injury.

‘Such easily avoidable mistakes should not happen.’

A MOTHER whose children died after she locked them in the car with a heater running, while she had sex in another vehicle, is on trial for homicide.

Prosecutors say Heather Jensen, 25, carried out a “death sentence” against her two young sons when she locked then in the hot car,Fox 31 Denver reports.
The charges against Ms Jensen include criminally negligent homicide, child abuse resulting in death and false reporting.
“Ms Jensen created the situation that caused her children to die,” prosecutor Danielle Lewis said in opening statements.
Her defence says her actions should be assessed with regard to her low IQ, her youth and the fact her husband died six weeks earlier in a car accident.
“It was a tragedy, but it was an accident. It was not a crime,” said public defender Elsa Archambault.
Ms Jensen sobbed loudly as her trial opened last week in Mesa County District Court, Colorado.
Ms Jensen’s sons, William, 2, and 4-year-old Tyler, died on November 27, 2012. She told her new live-in boyfriend she was taking the boys to play in the snow and drove them to a snow park, where she met up with a male friend to have sex in the car park.
At first, she left the two boys in the car with the heat on and the doors unlocked.
After about 30 minutes, Tyler opened the door and Ms Jensen returned him to her car, gave him a mobile phone to play with and secured the child locks before returning to her friend.
The children are said to have spent 90 minutes in the car, where an investigation revealed temperatures could have reached 60 degrees Celsius. Both boys died from hyperthermia.

Ms Jensen’s defence attributes her poor decision making to her low IQ of 76, which makes her borderline developmentally disabled.
A boyfriend also told investigating police that Ms Jensen had smoked marijuana the day before the children died.
In the three months leading up to the deaths, she had failed court-ordered drug tests three times, the Daily Sentinel reports. The testing was tied to a March 2012 arrest for domestic violence. Her husband Eric had told police Ms Jensen became violent after he confronted her about spending time with friends who supplied her with painkillers Vicodin and Percocet.
Now her husband’s parents, Robert and Diane Mathena, are seeking justice.
“It’s been horrible for us, a devastating year and a half that’s for sure,” Mr Mathena told CBS Denver. “Don’t want to see her anymore. I want her out of our lives.
Following the deaths of her sons, Ms Jensen also violated the terms of her probation and left Colorado for Florida, to be with her family.
“I believe it would be a great opportunity for me to start my life over again in Florida, and being surrounded by all my family who loves me to help me get through the losses I’ve had in this past month,” Ms Jensen wrote in the letter to a Mesa County judge. “And I would greatly appreciate it if you will let me move on with my life in Florida.”
Ms Jensen’s request was denied and she was arrested at her mother’s home in North Fort Myers, Florida on January 16, 2013.
The jury deciding the case was made up of 10 women and five men, but a judge removed one of the jurors from the trial when he found out she added a witness from the trial as a friend on Facebook, CBS Denver reports. The trial is expected to run for nine days.

Yetunde Akilapa The Nollywood actress that was caught in Magodo on 12th January 2014 for theft: My Problem is Spiritual

You remember Yetunde Akilapa? The Nollywood actress that was caught in Magodo on 12thJanuary 2014 for theft.
She narrared her own side of story in an interview with  Encomiun magazine.
How did the incidence of January 12 2014 happen. It was reported that you were caught in the dining room of a house in Magodo, and the owner of the house met you there with suspicion that you are there for the wrong reasons. Can you shed more light on the story?

That day I wanted to take my clothes to dry-cleaners. Meanwhile my younger sister had told me earlier that she was not feeling fine. I now planned to go her place after dropping my clothes. I told my friend whom I was putting up with in Ketu that I wanted to go to Bariga to see my sister. That day I also wanted to go to church but I didnt know what happened to me. I just decided to forget about church. As I wanted to board a bus to Bariga, something told me to cross to the other side of the road and take keke NAPEP going to Magodo. That was how I boarded the keke going to Magodo with my bag, clothes and four keys on me. On getting to Magodo, I saw a house and went there straight. I didn’t see any gateman there. I opened the door because it wasnt locked. I entered the house and slept off in the dining room. That’s all I knew till one man just woke me up.

He started interrogating me, asking me a lot of questions which I could not answer. He didn’t accuse me of coming to rob or steal anything but he only wanted to know who i was looking for. But I didn’t know what to say because everything was like a mystery to me. He said i should go first. As I wanted to step out, he instructed the security men there not to allow me move an inch. They were all shouting Thief! Thief!!.
Immediately he picked his phone and called his brother, telling him he met a  strange woman in the house when he came back from church and when he was leaving the house, he locked the door. So he was suprised when he found me in their dining room. How did she enter? He started saying a lot of things, I was trying to explain to them that I didnt use any key to open the door, I just entered and sat on the dining table and that was how i slept off. I told them i was also confused, I couldnt explain how I got to their place. That was the time i began to realize i was at the wrong place. Then when the owner of the house came, he also started interrogating me, he said i should confess the person that sent me. He asked weather I was sent to kill him. He thought I came with fetish things, and I said no. He said I should just confess. He even said maybe I was sent to kill his wife. He never accused me of stealing. As he was saying all of this, I was pleading, telling them i wanted to give my clothes to the drycleaners. They asked of the person’s name and I told them Bisi. And they checked my phone and found her number. When they called her to find out, she told them she didnt say Magodo but Maryland. That was how they said I was not saying the truth, that i didn’t want to expose the person that sent me. Before I knew it, one guy just hit me in the head with a club. That’s all I knew.
By the time I regained consciousness, they had invited my friend. When she came, she was shocked to see me in that state. She was screaming. Those people now concluded that they would take me to the police station but before then, they took me to a private hospital to get me treated. When we got to the police station,they started drilling me and I explained the way I explained to them at the house. They asked the owner of the house if I stole anything, he said no but the way they found me in the house was suspicious. He said maybe I was sent by somebody on a diabolical mission. Their pastor also came and I explained the whole thing to him also, he prayed for me. He said my problem is spiritual. He said God wanted to deliver me that’s why I came to that house that day. But now, my problem is over. That’s how I was asked to go.
Yetunde who says she is currently in a relationship said despite all the embarrassment this has caused her, her man has remained by her side all through.