Rain, Lightning and Tornado hits UK

The risk of flooding from groundwater will also continue in Wiltshire, Dorset, Hampshire, West Sussex, West Berkshire and Surrey into next week.
The Met Office said that rain across Britain would be accompanied by strong winds, and rainfall accumulations of up to 0.8in were expected.
Meanwhile, witnesses said a ‘mini-tornado’ swept through Surrey and Sussex, bringing down trees, damaging homes and even lifting cats in the air.
It reportedly hit Chobham, Surrey, at 5pm yesterday. Local resident Shirley Blay said: ‘It was a mini-tornado, I can’t describe it as anything less.’
She told BBC News: ‘We’ve got four feral cats in the yard and they were being lifted off the ground – they just went round like a big paper bag.’ 
UK Power Networks said some 13,000 customers were left without power in Kent, Sussex and Surrey on Saturday night, but this has since fallen to 1,100
Many Somerset communities are still coming to terms with the flooding that hit the county at the beginning of January and now face more woe.
Somerset County Council deputy chief executive Pat Flaherty said: ‘Our priority has to be to keep people safe.
‘We are doing everything we can to do this and we believe that declaring a major incident shows just how urgent the situation is for many of our residents and communities.
‘The reason we are taking this action is the long-term nature of the issues we are facing and to enable a consistent approach to the way that we deal with them.’
The council will continue its help for people affected by flooding, which includes a boat service for the cut-off community of Muchelney and Thorney.
It is also providing a pontoon bridge at Langport, supporting farmers providing a tractor service and evacuating residents when necessary.
Avon and Somerset Police launched their underwater search team today in a bid to use their boat to reach flood-hit homes in Mulcheney on Somerset Levels.
The team also gave fire prevention and health and safety advice to residents who have been affected by the floods.
Much of the area remains under water and more rain is expected to fall overnight and residents are being told to prepare for further flooding.
A Met Office forecaster said: ‘More heavy rain will spread east across the area on Sunday. 
‘Given the current disruption on the Somerset Levels, the public should be prepared for further flooding.’

Thugs beat up Big Brother star Josie Gibson’s brother because he is DEAF and couldn’t give them directions

  • Harry was approached by at least two men and asked a question
  • When he replied in sign language they started attacking him
  • The reality star said she ‘lost all faith in mankind after attack

The deaf brother of Big Brother winner Josie Gibson was brutally attacked by thugs because he was unable to help them with directions on a night out.
She was out celebrating her 29th birthday with family and friends in her native Bristol when the savages approached Harry and asked if he knew the right way.
He started to reply in sign language but the men became angry and lashed out at him.
Miss Gibson, who is also known for her weight loss DVDs, tweeted a picture of blood-spattered Harry and expressed her sorrow and outrage at the sickening act.
‘Lost all faith in mankind tonight. I went to the toilet and my brother got beaten up for being deaf.

‘What a disgusting world we live in,’ she tweeted.
‘I’m going to hunt the bullies who did this! The nicest guy ever was beaten up because they thought he was deaf & dumb.’

Harry was left deaf after being struck by meningitis as a baby.
Reality star and glamour model Chanelle Hayes tweeted her sympathy, saying: ‘That is the most disgusting, disgraceful, vile thing I’ve ever heard of.
‘Some people are sick. Sending love to ur brother.’
Media personality and fellow Big Brother contestant Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace added: ‘Nooo babe I’m so sorry that’s vile… don’t let the vile thugs win.’
A spokesman from Avon and Somerset Police confirmed they were aware of the incident.

NCAA lifts Dana Air suspension

Suspended Dana Air is free to resume flight operations, the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority, NCAA, said in a release letter to the airline, sources in both the airline and the agency disclosed on Saturday.
Sources said Dana may resume flight operations as early as Monday.
The airline was suspended on 6 October last year following an air return caused by a mechanical problem on one of its aircraft.
The incident happened only three days after an Associated Airlines plane crashed in Lagos and killed 16 people.
Sources at NCAA said Dana was given a list of items to comply with before it is allowed back into the skies.
Recently Dana acquired two Boeing 737-500 planes as it sought to phase out its old McDonnell Douglas aircraft that became infamous in 2012 following a plane crash that killed 163 people.
According to sources, the planes were bought in Cairo, the Egyptian capital, and NCAA officials travelled to inspect them.
Sources said the two planes were not brand new but not as old as the MD-83 aircraft, the only aircraft type in the fleet of Dana.
All Dana planes are more than 20 years old and old planes need more money to maintain.
Nigerians have accused some airlines often of cutting corners as they struggle with overwhelming financial challenges.
The newest acquisition will bring Dana fleet to about five planes.
Samuel Ogbogoro, Communication Manager at Dana Air, did not return text messages sent to his phone

Source: PM NEWS

2 Brothers Die Of Magun After Sleeping With Uncles’ Wives In Ibadan

Two brothers, Kunmi and Adeniyi Adetokun died within days of each late last year in Oyo state and family members say it was after they slept with their uncles’ wives. The uncle, (pictured above) is accused of killing the brothers with a deadly anti-adultery charm commonly known as Magun. He was attacked and nearly killed by irate youths following the d***h of the second brother. He is lying critically ill in a hospital in Ibadan.
Tribune reports the full story. Find it below…

The incident happened at Jagun community near Iyana Ofa, Lagelu Local Government Area of Oyo State towards the end of 2013 when two blood brothers, Kunmi and Adeniyi Adetokun, died, one after the other, within three days, allegedly of a local charm used to punish adulterous men, commonly referred to as magun in Yoruba.
This literally translates ‘don’t climb’ in English. But the two brothers climbed the metaphorical mountains that were too high for them. And they somersaulted down the hills, breaking their necks in the process. The occurrence, however, sparked off anger among the youth of the community, resulting in them setting ablaze the residence of the Balogun of the community, Chief Segun Oyetade, the deceased’s uncle, as he was suspected to have been responsible for the duo’s d***h. They also attacked him with weapons but was only saved when the youth got a hint that policemen were approaching.
The scene opened on Monday, December 2, 2013 when Kunmi reportedly died after having s*x with a woman allegedly laced with magun and who was said to be his aunt-in-law. The woman was said to be his uncle’s wife.
On December 5, three days after Kunmi’s d***h, his younger brother, Adeniyi, was also reported to have died of unknown ailment which he battled with for a couple of weeks after allegedly sleeping with the wife of Chief Oyetade’s brother, whose name was given simply as Femi.
According to the information gathered by Saturday Tribune, Niyi was the one who fell ill first after he slumped and started vomitting blood. His brother, Kunmi, was reportedly taking care of him at a hospital at Lalupon community.
It was further learnt that Kunmi left Niyi at Lalupon and went to Jagun community where he allegedly had s*x with his uncle’s wife. His own illness did not take much time before it consumed him and he died three days after it manifested. Having noticed this, Niyi reportedly opened up that he slept with Femi’s wife, which confirmed the suspicion of the villagers that he must have been hit with the deadly charm.
A member of the community described the type of magun used on Niyi as Olorere which usually takes days or weeks before killing the man who sleeps with the woman laced with such.
After Kunmi’s d***h, Chief Oyetade was reportedly summoned by the Baale of Jagun community, Chief Isiaka Akinpelu, who asked him about the allegation that he laced his wife with magun. The man denied and the Baale appealed to him to find the antidote so that Niyi could be healed.
The Balogun reportedly came back to the village head to demand for N4,000 which he said was the fee demanded by the herbalist who volunteered to prepare the antidote. Members of the community were said to have contributed the money but before he brought it, Niyi gave up the ghost.
Niyi’s d***h after his brother’s spurred the community’s anger as Chief Oyetade was also accused of sleeping with the mother of the two brothers, which prompted the question on why he should be angry that someone was having an affair with his wife or his brother’s wife, to the extent that he could aim at killing the brothers.
The anger led to the attack on him while his house was set on fire and his wife and children sent out of the community in the dead of the night.
Chief Isiaka Akinpelu, who was said to have got a hint of the youth’s plan to attack Chief Oyetade, had reportedly gone to Iyana Ofa Police Division to quickly give the information to the police but before they got back to the village, the youth had struck. As they saw the approaching policemen, they were said to have fled in different directions, leaving the injured chief to his fate.
However, Chief Oyetade, during an interview with Saturday Tribune on hospital bed where he was receiving treatment, alleged that it was the Baale who sent the youth to attack him because of a tussle between them over a piece of land.
He denied the allegation that he laced the women with magun, saying that his accusers were only trying to tarnish his image.
“What I only heard was that Niyi was sick, but I didn’t know the kind of ailment because he was living at Lalupon. Later the Baale called me and some elders, saying that my nephew, Femi, laced his wife with magun, which resulted in Niyi’s illness. I didn’t believe the allegation because Niyi had been ill for some weeks and from the story we used to hear about magun, it doesn’t take so long before being felt.
“They went further to say that I was the one who gave Femi the magun which he laced his wife with, accusing me of doing same for my wife, which led to Kunmi’s d***h. I exclaimed in shock, disclosing that my wife was pregnant and wondering how one would lace a pregnant woman with a charm such as magun.
“It was after this that Chief Akinpelu said he was after the wellness of Niyi, tasking me and the head of Niyi’s family, one Mr Adewale Adekambi, to go and look for the antidote. By then, Niyi was being cared for in Ibadan and it was Ibadan we went to seek the antidote. Unfortunately, Niyi died on Thursday, December 5.
I joined Niyi’s sibling, Seun and his aunt in taking the corpse away from where he died. As we wanted to take him to the cemetery, his brother said we should take him home, unknown to me that it was a trap set for me. As soon as I disembarked from the vehicle, hoodlums descended on me with sticks, pestle and cutlasses. I kept asking them of my offence and when they saw that I did not collapse, one of them struck me with an axe on the head and I fell down.
“A sympathiser called the Baale to inform him of what happened to me but before he came, I was already crawling away. A community member saw me and jeered at me, saying: ‘Where are you going? Your house and property are still going for it.’
He said the disagreement between him and Chief Akinpelu occurred when he sold his own father’s parcel of land and the Baale challenged him by saying that he did not inform him. “He has no business with the land. My brother and I agreed before the land was sold and it belonged to our father,” Chief Oyetade said.
Saturday Tribune gathered that the police detectives, led by the Divisional Police Officer, Iyana Ofa, Mrs Justina Ogunleye, took the victim to a nearby hospital for medical treatment.
Chief Oyetade’s wife, Rachael, also narrated her ordeal thus: “I was invited by the Baale and he asked me about Kunmi’s d***h. I told him that I did not know anything about it. I also swore in the presence of the elders seated, asking if anyone of them had ever seen my nakedness. It was when I was raining curses that the Baale asked me to go.
“On Thursday, December 5, my husband travelled to Ibadan and told me he was not coming back. At about 11:00p.m., I heard a knock on my door and when I opened, I saw four men who asked me to leave with my children without picking a pin, threatening that if I delayed, they would burn us with the house.
“I slept in the bush with my children, among who was a two-year-old, and at dawn, we trekked to a town near Ibadan, from where we took a bike to Iyana-Ofa. From there, I boarded a bus to Ibadan. I tried to contact my husband but could not get him. It was later I learnt that he had been attacked.”
When contacted, the police spokesperson in Oyo State, DSP Olabisi Okuwobi-Ilobanafor, confirmed the development, disclosing that two of the suspected arsonists and attackers had been arrested. She added that the Commissioner of Police, Mohammed Indabawa, had ordered that the case be transferred to the State Criminal Investigation Department (SCID), Iyaganku, Ibadan, for further investigation.

I Have Regular S*x With Some Nigerian Politicians’ – G*y Nigerian Man

Six years ago, Musa Ali (not his real name) was linked up with a rich businessman in Yola, who ‘initiated’ him into G*y S*x. Ali was told that being G*y would make him bold and feared. Of course, he was also told that he would make a huge load of money. Now 36, Ali is somewhat filled with regrets and wishing it were possible to turn back the hands of the clock. Sitting in the serene evening of last Thursday in Bankin Kogi at the bank of River Benue in Yola after a Herculean arrangement to get him to talk, he shared his story with our correspondent. Ali revealed that the rich and the powerful, both in business and politics hit the hay with him. Excerpts…

How did you become a G*y?
A woman my friend introduced to me lured me into it. The woman linked me up with some men in business and in politics. The first man I was introduced to told me that having anal S*x would fetch me good fortune and I would be bold to challenge anybody no matter his social status. He said that if I wanted to be rich and be likable, I should join the club of G*ys. He said that I would meet influential people and they would be attracted to me. Also, I was told that if I ask for anything, without hesitation, my demands would be obliged. He said whenever I speak, I would be feared and my wish would obeyed. That was six years ago. He made love to me during political campaigns and gave me N150,000. I bought a parcel of land with that money but later sold it.

How old are you now and what has been your experience?
I am 36 years old. As I said earlier, I have been in this business (anal S*x act) for six years. But all that I was promised did not come to pass. The business has robbed me of my senses and personality. Big men patronize us, but the business is not worth it. The same big men that patronize and give us big money, somehow through diabolical means, snatch the same money from us. They make love to us and give us big money but we never really benefit from the money. I have often regretted being a G*y but I cannot help it. I sometimes ask myself what are the benefits derivable from this act? Nothing at all! My earlier plan was that I would work as a G*y, get huge amount of money and settle down with a beautiful wife. But I was unable to use the proceeds to do anything worthwhile or live a comfortable life. But that has not come to be after all. I have gained over N9 million as proceeds from this act but cannot account for it. The wealthy in the society only use us as mistresses and abandon us at the end. Although some of us are being courted by powerful men in the society, but they discard us like worthless rag in the long run after satisfying themselves.

You said you were told that homoS*xual S*x would make you bold. Are you now bold and feared by people?
Yes, for the first two years, I was feared and respected. But I do not enjoy such power again.
Why is that so?
Honestly, I don’t know why.

Before you were introduced to the homoS*xual act, did you have affection for women?

Do you still have affection for women now?
No. I used to have affection for women or young girls, but I no longer have such feelings and this is disturbing me seriously. It is disturbing because no matter how beautiful a girl is I cannot have feeling of love for her nor make love advances to her. She won’t be appealing to me. I regret becoming a homoS*xual. I found myself in a precarious situation because my colleagues might kill me if I dared to leave the business. We are expected to stick to the covenant we have all entered into.

Do you have a permanent partner?
I do not have a permanent partner because most of the people I have met did not want to maintain a permanent relationship, which would entail paying for my domestic needs and being responsible for my medical bills on certain ailments I could contract as a result of our participation in this G*y S*x. In fact, I was betrothed to a man in Yobe who eventually abandoned me. After that experience I decided not to have a permanent partner.

Who are you regular with?
Please skip that I cannot tell you. This is because most of our clients are big men in the society and mentioning their names will put my life in danger. My clients are businessmen and politicians. I don’t want to mention their names.
Please in confidence tell me about some of them.
Forget that. Please skip this question. If you don’t skip that I will not talk with you again. (Then he beckoned on the person that facilitated the interview and said to him, go with your friend. I can no longer discuss with him.)

Would you not regard what you are engaged in as prostitution?
(Getting angry now and frantically calling the person that facilitated the interview) frantically)
Tell your friend to leave me alone. What I do is not prostitution. Call it whatever name you like, it is a business as I am not here as a prostitute. It is people like you who embarrass and ridicule us, calling us all sorts of names and giving this business a bad name.
(He later calmed down and agreed to continue with the discussion after much pleading.)
Where are your clients?
They are from across the country but mostly in Kano, Yobe, Maiduguri, Bauchi, Gombe and Sokoto.

You said earlier your first client gave you N150,000. Is that what you get paid every time?
Each client at the local level in Yola pays between N10,000 and N12,000 per S*x session. We don’t charge clients that are wealthy. We don’t charge the politicians because they are always ready to pay more than we ordinarily would have charged. A politician or a businessman can pay from N150,000 to N200,000 per S*x session. The elite know what they derive from us S*xually, which is not known to us.

Do you know that government has banned this your business? Government has enacted a law forbidding same-S*x marriage and relationships?
I learnt so, but I am not sure.

Do you have health-related issue as a result of this business?
I don’t know until I see a doctor. We have, however, lost two persons who died as a result of the G*y practice.

How did they die, please tell me?
They just took ill. They had health problems and they didn’t survive.

Are you going to stop the practice?
I actually want to stop, but I cannot stop because I will be killed by my colleagues for not complying with the covenant entered into not to disclose this activity to anybody. Probably, I have been hypnotized. I cannot tell.

Do you have an association?
No, we don’t have here, but the elite in some states may have association. We do not do this business in the open, so we cannot have an association.

Do your family members know you are G*y?
My mother got to know about what I’m doing two years ago, but my father died 12 years ago before I started this business. It is only my mother that knows this but I have kept on denying. My mother was said to have cursed me after learning about this, but I don’t know if the curse is working on me or not.

Do you do the act on a bed or mattress?
That is not your business.

What religion do you practice?
That is not your business, please.

How will you feel if you are caught in this act?
I will not allow myself to be caught unless someone reports me to Civil Defence or the police.