How To Reduce High Data Consumption On My Android Phone (Read and Thank me Later)

It’s no news that Android device consume more bandwidth than Blackberry device and I’ve been thinking endlessly why this had to be so. A normal typical Blackberry user may not be able to even consume 500MB data per month while this same 500MB won’t  be enough for Android user for two weeks; this alone keep them wondering in the state of quandary.  Those android users know what am talking about. That is why I try as much as possible to look for the cheapest way of surfing the net suitable for every mobile device.

This tutorial is typically for Android users and it’s going to help you reduce high amount of data rate consumption on your android phones.
How Can I Reduce High Data Consumption On My Android Phone?

Limit background data

One of the main drains on your data is probably going to be background syncing, when an app like Facebook grabs an update, or your phone checks to see if there’s any new email on your server. Think about what you actually need updated in real-time. Can you reduce the frequency of push notifications, or just set apps to update manually so they only grab new stuff when you actually open them? This can save you a lot of data, not to mention battery life. You’ll generally need to do it via the Settings menu of the app in question, but you can also check in Settings > Notifications on iOS, and take a look under Settings > Wireless & Networks > Data usage on Android.
1. Tap on the menu button on your screen.
2.  Navigate to “Settings”.
3.  Scroll down to “Account and sync settings”
4.  Deselect “Background data”. Ignore the warning and only select background data when you want to use Google play store.
Alternatively, for those whose Android phone consume battery like well, you can visit google play and download ‘juice defender’

Set data alerts and limits

On an Android smartphone running version 4.0 or later you can check your data usage and set alerts and limits. Go to Settings and under Wireless & Networks tap on Data usage. You’ll see a table showing your data usage for a specific period of time. You can tap to tick the Set mobile data limit box and then move the orange and red lines to set an alert usage amount (so you’ll get a warning when you’re closing in on your limit), and a hard limit (which will prevent you from going over your allowance).
My Data Manager (Android, iOS) is a free and easy-to-use app to keep track of your data and set alerts up.
Chrome Beta: 
The newest optimized browser is actually a Google offering. The most recent offering of Chrome Beta features  a new experimental proxy service run by Google that promises to radically increase mobile browsing speeds while decreasing data loads. In order to turn on access to this new proxy system, you will need to enter the address chrome://flags in the address bar of Chrome Beta and enable the entry for Experimental Data Compression Proxy. The release and the feature are brand new so we haven’t had long to play with them, but so far the project looks promising. Expect the proxy feature and optimization to appear in the regular release of Chrome in the near future.

Compress your data
Check out the Onavo Extend app (Android, iOS). It is designed to compress your data and potentially extend your data plan by up to five times. It doesn’t work with streaming audio or video apps, and it doesn’t work with VoIP apps, but it will help reduce the impact of images and text. It gives you a breakdown of which apps are using your data, lets you create a universal cache, and helps you choose the balance you want between image quality and data savings. It’s free, so it’s worth giving it a try if you find yourself running out of data all the time.

The rise and rise of MALE hair removal rises to 85% in just one year

Pulling, plucking, shaving and waxing – it’s safe to say women go to great lengths to stay smooth and hair-free.
But at a time when men everywhere are taking more of an interest in their appearance, it seems they too are worrying about how best to get rid of their unwanted hair.
One London clinic, in fact, has reported that the number of men undergoing laser hair removal rose by 86 per cent between 2012 and 2013.
The Private Clinic on Harley Street claims male patient numbers are soaring, with men now making up 17 per cent of all laser hair removal patients.
 Excessive hair growth in men is often caused by excessive levels of testosterone.
But this is not always the case as genetics, age and ethnicity can also all play a part.
And while for some women a hairy chest is a sign of a ‘real’ man, today it seems more and more women prefer their men’s chests to look silky smooth.

Louis Kearton, a 21-year-old customer services advisor, suffered with excessive hair on his arms, back, chest and shoulders from the age of 12.
He said: ‘I was bullied as a child because of the hair and life as a teenager certainly wasn’t easy.
‘As I grew up I wasn’t able to do things other guys my age did, like swimming or going to the gym. I felt trapped in my own clothes and I absolutely hated taking my top off.
‘The problem also put my dating life and my sex life on hold. It stopped me from wanting to go out and find someone and I lacked confidence. 
‘I didn’t want to talk to anyone about the problem though and I just went into my own little world and closed myself off. I didn’t feel attractive and I certainly didn’t think anyone else would find me attractive. 
‘As much as I waxed and shaved my chest, it didn’t seem to make any difference -the hair would actually just grow back ten times worse.’
Eventually, he decided to undergo hair removal treatment.
The treatment involved targeting the hairs with pulses of heat from a laser. 
The heat is attracted to the pigmentation in the hair follicle, damaging it until the hair stops growing. 
Over time, and after a series of sessions of laser hair removal, hair growth will significantly slow or even stop altogether. 
After a series of eight sessions, Mr Kearton’s hair removal procedures had removed the unwanted hair. 
‘Now I can look in the mirror and feel proud of myself,’ he said. ‘I can wear what I want for the first time now and I’m not scared of taking my top off at all. I finally feel like a normal 21-year-old.’
Rachel Nugent, senior laser practitioner at The Private Clinic, said: ‘The number of male patients we treat has grown steadily over the years. 
‘Men are now displaying a far more open attitude towards undergoing beauty treatments and cosmetic procedures, which they know will improve the way they look.
‘Now, not only is it more important than ever for men to look their best, but it is also important for them to feel good about themselves. 
‘Very often, having a lot of hair on the body is something that gets in the way of men feeling at their most attractive or confident. Because of this, laser hair removal is now a popular treatment among men from their early twenties through their fifties.’
She added: ‘Today it is completely acceptable for men to invest in such treatments in order to improve their appearance and ultimately increase their levels of self-confidence.’

Send in your best ‘plane window’ snaps lets see the earth from Nigeria

Have you ever taken a look out from the window of an air plane before? how did you feel? was it scary or pleasurable?
Snapped thousands of feet above the ground, this set of pictures show the beauty of earth as seen from the comfort of the plane cabin. Group tour specialist ,The Flash Pack invited ‘flashpackers’ to send in their best ‘plane window’ snaps through a social media campaign.

Vista: These awe-inspiring pictures were all taken by travellers on smartphones and tablets as they jetted off on holidays all over the globe
Distorted reflection: A dipped wing gives this traveller a spectacular view of two different coloured bodies of water separated by urban sprawl. Right, a bright blue sky hangs over sunshine filtered through the cloud 

Fire in the sky: The sun connects with two masses of cloud to create a dramatic and visually rich image

Cascade: Snapped thousands of feet above the ground, this set of pictures show the beauty of earth as seen from the comfort of the plane cabin

Monolithic beauty: A mountain range is captured by an American Airlines passenger

Golden flight: Bright sunlight is reflected in the ocean (right), while an idyllic beachside community is seen from the sky (left)

Urban sprawl: The shadow of the aircraft passes over a hot and dusty-looking neighbourhood

                                      London’s city skyscrapers poking through the clouds

slands in the sky: Skyscrapers loom above the cloud-line in this high-altitude shot
          ITwin peaks: Group tour specialist The Flash Pack invited ‘flashpackers’ to send in their best ‘plane window’ snaps through a social media campaign.

These ones are from ‘ oyibo’ .Let’s see the Naija version. who has got any to show?

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Nadia Buhari dumps Jim Iyke for Wizkid?

Ghanaian sexy and talented actress, Nadia Buhari is in the news again. This time, it is no longer between herself and the Nollywood bad boy, Jim Iyke but now, she’s playing hide and seek game with Wizkid.
Barely one week when a picture of the actress pecking the Pakurumo crooner was posted on the internet, reactions have been coming from all quarters  pointing to  the picture. Already, tongues have started wagging seriously as to the reason for the posture.
Questions that fans have been asking is whether Nadia has dumped Jim Iyke for Star boy? or better still, whether Jim has seen this picture? Matinee gathered that, the picture serves as a dream come true for Wizkid.

Pokello debuts in Nollywood

Remember the Harare-born ex-BBA-The Chase housemate, Pokello Nare? She’s expected to storm Nigeria next month where she will be part of a cast of a yet to be titled Nollywood movie.
The beautiful mother of one took to her facebook page to express her joy  over landing a role in a  Nigerian movie.      “Reading this script I got for my first movie in Nigeria. Lol I’m laughing off. I’m  trying to picture myself in this role!,” she wrote on her facebook page.
Also, confirming the development, in a television interview, Queen of Swag as she is fondly called by her  fans  said, “I am to star in a Nigerian movie. I have just received the script and started rehearsing. I will be leaving for Nigeria in February.” One fan immediately responded to Pokello’s message on facebook, saying she would be Africa’s Angelina Jolie.”The girl has got style. She is the next big thing to happen to Africa and move over, Angelina Jolie as Poky takes center stage. I guess she is such a lucky girl. What one likes about Pokello is that she is real and let’s put our fingers cross as she makes her debut in Nollywood.”