READ;Charly Boy writes beautiful poems to celebrate his female children

Charly Boy has written beautiful poems to celebrate some of the women in his life – four of his daughters and one grand daughter. See how he feels about the women in his life…… So beautiful!!
My pride and joy
So many things I want to give you
So many things I want to teach you
Teach you about courage and strength
When standing tall is no longer easy
But standing for the ones who can’t
Thinking and fending for yourself
Because you’re daddy’s makeover
Teach you to fight back
To never back down
How to pick yourself back up
When you have been knocked down
Fight for what you believe
Because you’re daddy’s make over
I gave you my stubbornness
Gave you my pride
Gave you my temper
Teaching you not to take crap
To speak your mind no matter who
Work for what you want
Because you’re daddy’s make over
Love you more than you will ever know
Because in you I see me
That’s why you’re daddy’s make over

My princess Yvonne
What can I say to let you know
What a special person you have been in my life
My best friend, helper, student and my mirror
I love so many things about you
Your smile, your soul and the fact that you
don’t make me feel old
I love the fact that you are so charismatic
Like me and people can really see that
You’re nothing like the rest
Thanks for being the daughter I always wanted
I couldn’t have asked for a better one
I love you so much


My pride

“Special” is the word
That is used to describe
Something one of a kind
Like a hug or a sunset
Or a person who spreads love
With a smile or kind gesture
“Special” applies to something
That is admired and precious
Which can never be replaced
Ada,”Special” is the word that best describes you

Olivia (Charly Boy’s grand daughter)
My Princess Olivia
I have been blessed with many grand children
But you’re special
Like a gem, precious and polished
I watched you grow into a woman
Heaven helps anyone who hurts you
You’ll never really know how much you mean to me
A grandfather’s love buried so deep
That only my heart can see

Ada snr
You have grown into a beautiful woman
You have made this man a grandfather
Six times over
Your beautifully carved body
Inspired my physical well being
There may be distance between us
But you are where it matters the most
In my heart
I love you AdaFit

Wow! so sweet to grow along with your children

Kanye West begged fiancée Kim Kardashian for alone time away from her manic family

It seems like Kanye West is sick of Keeping Up With The Kardashians after he pleaded with his fiancée for a break away from the family.
The rapper has moved in with Kim Karashian’s mother Kris as they continue with a huge renovation on their Bel Air mansion.
Kim revealed the intensity of being around her family for so long eventually got the better of Kanye and he begged for some alone time.
Speaking on Jimmy Kimmel Live she explained: “’We spent New Year’s in a condo with my mother and
Kanye said “Can we just have three days to ourselves without your family?” so we went to Paris.
“It was too far for North to come so my mom and my sisters all looked after her.
“He’s moved in with me, my mom, two little sisters so that’s why we needed to get away.
“We live with my mom because our house is being worked on right now.”
The 33-year-old also revealed she’ll definitely marry in Paris this summer but won’t tie the knot in her dream venue, the famed Palace of Versailles.
She explained plans of changing her name to Mrs West but insists she’ll keep Kardashian as a middle name.
“We will be getting married, this summer hopefully, in Paris.
“It’s our second home. We spend so much time there, we have an apartment there. I’m not telling where or the date but it’s definitely Paris.”
When it comes to planning the wedding, Kim confessed: “Kanye really cares and he’s really passionate about it.
“He knows what he wants and he’s very specific about it. It makes my job 100 per cent easier.
“He’ll take care of the music, I’ll take care of seating chart so we’ll make it easier for each other.”

Michael Schumacher ‘may remain in coma for the rest of his life’

Doctors battling to save the life of Formula One legend Michael Schumacher have no plans to wake him from the coma, it was claimed today.
The seven-times world champion has been in an artificially-induced coma after he suffered brain injuries in a French Alps ski-ing crash 26-days ago.
Neurosurgeons at the hospital in Grenoble where the 45-year-old race ace is being treated have still not revealed any date when they may try to bring him out of the coma.
And some experts fear he may remain in a permanent vegetative state for the rest of his life.
Authoritative German news magazine Focus reported today: “Fears grow for Schumi – still no date for an awakening.”

Schumacher is still classed as critically ill following the December 29 accident when he smashed his skull against a rock as he skied off-piste.
Although doctors, Schumacher’s family and management have imposed a total news blackout, medical experts have said the prognosis for a recovery so long after being on life-support machines does not bode well.
Schumacher was airlifted to hospital immediately after the accident and it was feared he would not last the night.
The medical intention of an induced coma is to decrease the brain’s need for oxygen to ease its workload and therefore give it time to recover.
But the longer the coma is induced the bleaker the chances become. Schumacher is now entering a fourth week.
Officially his condition remains “stable, but critical.”
Throughout last week, neurological experts at international medical conferences across Europe have speculated on his chances of recovery.
Their expertise over the length of the coma, coupled with the lack of information about his condition, led them to believe he remains desperately ill.
One report on an Austrian website said neuro specialists attending a conference in the German city of Hanover had made his condition a “central theme” of their discussions, with surgeons arguing that to go beyond eight days in an artificial coma was highly extraordinary.
Each day, the conference heard, presented other health risks.
It was the fear of a brain haemorrhage, if he is awoken, which has made his medical team keep him under.
Professor Andreas Schwartz, chief physician of the neurological clinic at the KRH Klinikum in Nordstadt, Vienna, said even if he wakes up, his memory could be “wiped out.”
Some experts went even further, speculating he might be in a permanent vegetative state for the rest of his life.
His wife Corinna, 44, and children Gina Marie, 16, and son Mick, 14, remain at his bedside hoping for the miracle that the rest of the world hopes for with them.

Missing mum ‘slits baby son’s throat and tried to kill herself when found’

A runaway mother slit her own baby’s throat before trying to kill herself when the pair were tracked down to Spain.
Katharina Katit-Staheli, 40, vanished from Zurich on Christmas Eve with 10-month-old Dylan Katit.
She had reportedly lost custody of Dylan because she refused to allow doctors to treat him for hydrocephalus, also known as water on the brain.
Swiss police put out an all-Europe alert after the father reported them missing.          
A £2,000 reward was later offered for any knowledge of their whereabouts after they fled Switzerland in a black Jeep Gran Cherokee, and they were eventually spotted in south-east Spain.
Tiny Dylan was receiving urgent medical treatment when he was killed.
The mother and son had been traced to a shopping mall in Torreviaja near Alicante and taken into police custody.

Spanish Guardia Civil officers brought them to a local hospital for a check-up.
Katit-Staheli grabbed a knife from a hospital trolley as police officers were either distracted, or outside the room where the mum and baby were being examined, and slit her child’s throat before trying to take her own life.          
A police source today confirmed the child had been stabbed to death – although  a judicial secrecy order prevented him from giving out more details.
The police source said: “I can confirm the child we were searching for has been killed in hospital and his mother – who is the sole suspect – subsequently tried to commit suicide.
“The child was stabbed to death. There’s obviously going to be an investigation now into what happened because she had only been tracked down and arrested hours earlier following an international appeal.”
Spain’s National Police had only appealed for information on their whereabouts just two days ago before the tragedy.
A court spokesman said: “A judge is investigating the circumstances surrounding the violent death of a 10-month-old baby discovered in Torrevieja with its mother who was the subject of an international arrest warrant.
“The mother of the child remains in hospital and is under police guard.”

Brain-damaged woman wins right to have sex – despite her mother’s objections, appeal court judges rule

A brain-damaged woman had the capacity to decide whether to have sex, despite her family insisting otherwise, an appeal court has ruled. The woman has been at the centre of litigation in the Court of Protection over whether she has the mental capacity to make decisions about having sexual relations.
The three Court of Appeal judges also concluded that courts could make general evaluations about the capacity of disabled people to make decisions about sex.

They said it would be impossible for a court to conduct an assessment every time a disabled person, whose capacity to consent to sex was questionable, showed an interest in having a sexual encounter.
The Court of Appeal upheld a ruling by a High Court judge sitting in the Court of Protection, following a challenge by the woman’s mother.
Mr Justice Peter Jackson ruled that the woman, who is in her 40s, had the capacity to make decisions about sex.

He said she had been sexually active before suffering a brain injury, understood the ‘rudiments of the sexual act’ and had a basic understanding of contraception and of the risks of sexually-transmitted diseases.

The woman’s mother argued that he had been mistaken.
Judges said the woman could not be identified.
‘In our view there is no substance in the criticism of the judge’s conduct of the hearing,’ said Sir Brian Leveson, the most senior judge on the appeal panel. ‘We dismiss the appeal.’

Sir Brian, president of the Queen’s Bench Division of the High Court, said it was right that people did not consent to ‘sex in general’ but to an act of sex with a particular person at a particular time.

And he said the focus of the criminal law was always on a specific sexual event.
But he added: ‘The fact that a person either does or does not consent to sexual activity with a particular person at a fixed point in time, or does or does not have capacity to give such consent, does not mean that it is impossible, or legally impermissible, for a court assessing capacity to make a general evaluation which is not tied down to a particular partner, time and place.
‘Going further, we accept the submission made to us to the effect that it would be totally unworkable for a local authority or the Court of Protection to conduct an assessment every time an individual over whom there was doubt about his or her capacity to consent to sexual relations showed signs of immediate interest in experiencing a sexual encounter with another person.
‘On a pragmatic basis, if for no other reason, capacity to consent to future sexual relations can only be assessed on a general and non-specific basis.’
Judges said the woman suffered a brain injury during surgery more than three years ago.
Litigation started after concerns were raised about a man she had been involved with.
They said the man had a ‘significant criminal record’ for inappropriate behaviour and the woman’s mother had made various allegations against him.’