Police accuse man of raping five boys

The Edo State Police Command on Tuesday paraded a 33-year-old man, Justine Oliseh, for allegedly engaging in sexual intercourse with five underage boys.
Also paraded for child defilement was 60-year old Benjamin Amadin, who was accused of defiling a nine-year-old girl.
Oliseh, who confessed to sleeping with the boys, however, told our correspondent he defiled only four as against five being alleged against him by the police, saying he resorted to the act after being jilted by his girlfriends.
He said, “It is about four of them (boys). What happened was that when my girlfriend broke my heart, I tried another; it was the same. So I started sleeping with the children. Their age ranged between 11 and 14 years.
“They always come to greet me and I usually apply cream. It was on January 1, 2014 that I was caught.”
Amadin, however, denied having sexual intercourse with the nine-year-old, saying he was framed.
He said, “My wife died in September 2013 and I just finished her burial. Because I did not pay four months house rent, the woman that collects the rent set me up. I am innocent.”
Edo State Commissioner of Police, Foluso Adebanjo, said the suspects and 58 others arrested for various crimes, would soon be taken to the court.
He urged residents of the state to work hand-in-hand with the police to curb crime.

Housemaid in court for stealing N13m jewellery

A 28-year-old housemaid, Juliana Nwosu, has been arraigned before an Ebute Meta Magistrate’s Court for allegedly stealing gold jewellery estimated at N13m from the bedroom of her mistress, Mrs. Uren Iheme.
The police said the incident happened at the Lekki Phase 1 area of Lagos State.
The Imo State Indigene had reportedly worked as a maid for three different people before she was contracted to work with Iheme by an agent, Simeon Bayas.
All was well until November 23, 2013, when Iheme allegedly went inside her bedroom and discovered that her jewellery and some other personal effects were missing.
Nwosu, was also said to have fled the house. She was said to have taken shelter in the house of her boyfriend, one Chibueze Ajomiwe.
The complainant on discovering the theft reported the matter at the Maroko Police Division.
The Investigating Police Officer, Inspector Akinlolu Owolabi, was said to have led a team of policemen to arrest the Bayas who introduced the suspect to Iheme.
More investigations led to the arrest of the defendant and her boyfriend.
The housemaid was arraigned for theft, while her agent and boyfriend were arraigned for conspiracy.
The charge read, “That you, Juliana Nwosu, Simeon Bayas, Chibueze Ajomiwe, did steal various jewellery valued N13m, property of one Uren Iheme, of 1, Oyinbo Adejaho Street, off Admiralty way, Lekki Phase 1, Lagos.”
The police prosecutor, Corporal Cyriacus Osuji, said the offence was punishable under sections 409 and 285 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State, Nigeria, 2011.
The defendants pleaded not guilty to the offence.
The magistrate, Mr O.O Olatunji, admitted the defendants to bail in the sum of N1m each with two sureties in like sum.
 The matter was adjourned till February 19, 2014.
Source: PUNCH