Pope Benedict Defrocked 400 Priests For Child Sex Abuse In Just 2 Years, Reveal Documents

1 Corinthians 7 vs 8 I speak to those who are not married. I also speak to widows. It is good for you to stay single like me. 9 But if you can’t control yourselves, you should get married. It is better to get married than to burn with sexual longing.
The above bible passage is very clear, i don’t know why people keep disgracing themselves. is not a must to be a Priest.
VATICAN CITY (AP) — A document obtained by The Associated Press on Friday shows Pope Benedict XVI defrocked nearly 400 priests over just two years for sexually molesting children.
The statistics for 2011 and 2012 show a dramatic increase over the 171 priests removed in 2008 and 2009, when the Vatican first provided details on the number of priests who have been defrocked. Prior to that, it had only publicly revealed the number of alleged cases of sexual abuse it had received and the number of trials it had authorized.
While it’s not clear why the numbers spiked in 2011, it could be because 2010 saw a new explosion in the number of cases reported in the media in Europe and beyond.
The document was prepared from data the Vatican had been collecting and was compiled to help the Holy See defend itself before a U.N. committee this week in Geneva.
Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, the Vatican’s U.N. ambassador in Geneva, referred to just one of the statistics in the course of eight hours of oftentimes pointed criticism and questioning from the U.N. human rights committee.
The statistics were compiled from the Vatican’s own annual reports about the activities of its various offices, including the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which handles sex abuse cases. Although public, the annual reports are not readily available or sold outside Rome and are usually found in Vatican offices or Catholic university libraries.
For centuries, the church has had its own in-house procedures to deal with priests who sexually abuse children. One of the chief accusations from victims is that bishops put the church’s own procedures ahead of civil law enforcement by often suggesting victims keep accusations quiet while they are dealt with internally.
The maximum penalty for a priest convicted by a church tribunal is essentially losing his job: being defrocked, or removed from the clerical state. There are no jail terms and nothing to prevent an offender from raping again.
According to the 2001 norms Ratzinger pushed through and subsequent updates, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith reviews each case sent to Rome and then instructs bishops how to proceed, either by launching an administrative process against the priest if the evidence is overwhelming or a church trial. At every step of the way the priest is allowed to defend himself.
The Congregation started reporting numbers only in 2005, which is where Tomasi’s spreadsheet starts off. U.N. officials said Friday that the committee has not received the document.
In 2005, the Congregation authorized bishops to launch church trials against 21 accused clerics, and reported that its appeals court had handled two cases. It didn’t say what the verdicts were, according to the annual reports cited by the spreadsheet.
In 2006, the number of canonical trials authorized doubled to 43 and eight appeals cases were heard. And for the first time, the Congregation revealed publicly the number of cases reported to it: 362, though that figure includes a handful of non-abuse related canonical crimes.
A similar number of cases were reported in 2007 — 365 — but again the Congregation didn’t specify how many were abuse-related. Vatican officials, however, have said that it received between 300-400 cases a year in these years following the 2002 explosion of U.S. sex abuse cases in the U.S. In 2007, 23 cases were sent to dioceses for trial.
End Time is here

Nun Gives Birth To Baby Boy In Italy

Going through the bible passage “1 Timothy 4:1 – Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;” 

Obviously, you can agree with me that now is the end time Jesus talked about. How can a nun get pregnant? All she could say is that she didn’t know she was pregnant. Read the gist
A Salvadorean nun who said she had no idea she was pregnant gave birth in Italy this week after she felt stomach cramps in her convent and was rushed to hospital, Italian media reported on Friday.
The 31-year-old mother and her baby boy, who weighs 3.5 kilograms (7.7 pounds), are doing well and other new mothers in Rieti hospital have begun collecting clothes and donations for her, the reports said.
“I did not know I was pregnant. I only felt a stomach pain,” the nun was quoted as saying at the hospital, the Italian news agency ANSA reported.
La Repubblica said she gave birth on Wednesday.
ANSA said the nun had named her baby Francesco (Francis) — also the pope’s chosen title and one of the most popular names in Italy, where St Francis of Assisi is the much-loved national patron saint.
The hospital could not be reached for comment.

The nun belongs to the “Little Disciples of Jesus” convent in Campomoro near Rieti, which manages an old people’s home and reports said she would keep the baby.
Her fellow nuns were quoted saying they were “very surprised”.

SCAM: 66-year-Old Woman Looking For Love Scammed $300,000 By Fake Nigerian Lover

A 66-year-old American woman looking for love online ended up with a broken heart and a depleted bank account when she lost $300,000 to a fake Nigerian suitor on a Christian dating site.
The San Jose divorcee met the Nigerian on ChristianMingle.com falsely claiming to be an Irish citizen ‘David Holmes’, according to the Santa Clara District Attorney’s Office.
‘Holmes’ said he worked on a Scottish oil rig, and his profile picture turned out to be a picture of a male model downloaded from the internet.
The two never met in person, but talked over the phone and ‘Holmes’ even sent the woman flowers.
Eventually he convinced her to loan him $300,000 for his oil business – funds she supplied from her retirement account. To come up with the money, the woman had to dip into her retirement account and refinance her house.

After wiring him an additional $200,000 to a bank in Turkey, the woman got suspicious and informed the DA’s office.
Cherie Bourland of the fraud unit called the bank in Turkey and was successfully able to freeze the funds before Holmes’ associate Wisdom Onokpite showed up to withdraw the money, according to CBS San Francisco.
Onokpite was arrested by the Turkish National Police on suspicion of committing fraud.
The DA’s office traced ‘Holmes’ to Nigeria, but he remains free.
While the woman was able to get her $200,000 back, Ms Bourland says there’s just a ’1 per cent’ chance she’ll recover the over $300,000 because ‘it’s just impossible to track down’ and federal authorities won’t investigate losses below $1million.
Ms Bourland says reports of lost money on dating sites has been on the rise, especially among the elderly since ‘studies show the ability to make financial decisions is the first to be affected by aging.’
‘You get the love drug in you and you end up getting duped,’ she told the San Jose Mercury News