KERRY WASHINGTON: BUMP OF THE DAY( Nnamdi the Hubby is doing well)

Nnamdi my brother is doing well o! when an Igbo man handles a Woman, she feels like a baby
Nwa Afor representing

The ‘Scandal’ actress isn’t hiding her pregnancy any longer! On the 2014 Golden Globes red carpet, she proudly showed off her growing bump and even called it her ‘little accessory.’ We love it!

Kerry Washington publicly confirmed her pregnancy for the very first time at the 2014 Golden Globe Awards in Los Angeles, Cali. on Jan. 12. She looked absolutely stunning in a cream Balenciaga dress — but she proudly showcased her undeniable baby bump for the first time in the form-fitting dress, and even held on to her bump to call it her red carpet “little accessory.”

Brain Damaged Governor Suntai Could Not Recognize Aso Rock

A fresh attempt by a political cabal in Taraba State to return to office Danbaba Suntai, the governor who suffered brain injuries in a 2012 plane crash, failed yesterday following a weeklong series of maneuvers.
Working in collaboration with some media outlets, the cabal last Monday took the ailing governor to his office in Jalingo along with some of his physical therapists to see if he could be smuggled back into office but after five minutes, Mr. Suntai could not tell what he was doing. He was then rushed back to the governor’s mansion where, when asked where he was, he answered, “Airport.”
The group behind the efforts, which is reported to be funded by former Nigeria Minister of Defence, Theophilus Danjuma, then shipped Mr. Suntai to Abuja to meet with President Goodluck Jonathan in the hope that a public outing with the president would help provide an official veneer to their shenanigans.  However, sources say that sensing that Mr. Suntai was still unstable, President Jonathan sent some security agents to meet with him; when they asked if he knew the location of Aso rock, Suntai replied that he was in Jalingo and not Abuja.
The governor was flown back to Jalingo last night after the plot failed to materialize, but the cabal is understood to be re-strategizing.
Mr. Suntai received his brain injuries after a small plane he was flying crashed near the airport in Yola in October 2012.  He has since be treated in Germany and the US, with doctors in both countries revealing he is unlikely to function normally again given the nature of his injuries. 
They should allow this man to rest o! Power sweet o

“I didn’t do plastic surgery” – Uche Jombo

For those of you who say actress Uche Jombo Rodriguez has had a nose job, she says it’s the most ridiculous thing ever!… her full interview with Punch below; Growing up
It was an adventurous childhood. I was always either playing football with boys or climbing trees.  My mom got scared of my hyperactive nature and enrolled me in a drama group in church. I was awarded scholarship by the church   as the best drama student.  I have a first degree in Mathematics and Statistics from the University of Calabar. I also hold a post graduate diploma in Computer Programming from the Federal University of Technology, Minna.
Married life
Married life is great. I am not missing spinsterhood at all. My husband is a great human being. He works and lives in New York. I met him through a doctor friend of mine who is his business partner.  After our first meeting, he came to talk to me about some business ventures and that’s how we started talking.  My first attraction to him was his personality. I don’t know how many children we plan to have yet.
Experience as a producer in Nollywood
I always say this: I am an actor first before being the producer or a writer. The experience is everything and more.  The producer is more like the one who takes risks, gets  disappointed, picks herself up and goes on to  the next thing.  I’m enthusiastic and I’m prepared to work even harder at making my present film better than my last one. The adrenalin rush is making a movie people can relate to and if it makes more money for me, I am more thankful for that.
George Clooney’s quote about being an actor turned film maker is “I don’t have to prove I can act anymore.  Just serving the movie makes a huge difference. There’s simplicity to how you are doing it that makes it easier to convey”  I love that quote because I think it’s true for most actors turned producers.
New Year resolution
I know we are in the New Year. But I don’t have any New Year resolution. I will let things take their cause and let God direct all my actions.
Alternative career other than acting
Right now I can’t think of anything I would rather do than be an actress.  The decision to take up acting as a career was inspired by my being in the right place at the right time.  It was almost like a challenge. I had gone to Fidelis Duker’s office for something else and met an audition for a movie. When I was asked if I can act, I said yes. They handed a script to me.  That was how I got my first movie role in 1999 for the movie Visa to hell.
Career growth
I’m one of those people who would be right if I say I started from a very humble beginning in my career. I did lots of supporting roles and behind the scenes. I think to be consistent with what you do, you should work on yourself more.
I’m in love with the art. It was never about money or fame with me. I can’t count how many movies I did without being paid for them.  When you pursue whatever you do with a passion and the love you have for it, it might not be that lucrative at the beginning but at the end of the day, every other thing will fall in line. That’s how it has been for me.
It was not always rosy.   It’s been a struggle but by God’s grace, it’s been a successful story. I always tell people starting that it’s always about self belief because in this business, you are going to get lots of nos before you get the yes’. But don’t be discouraged. Work more on your craft and self confidence.
The real Uche Jombo
The real Uche Jombo is the girl next door
Celebrity crush
Now it’s Robert Deniro, I guess.
Style to me means comfort, classy and simplicity.
Most expensive item in my wardrobe
None can come to mind right now.
Favourite fashion accessory
I loved shoes at a time because of my height. I loved high heels but they are now a tool for my job.
Plastic surgery
I have never gone under the knife. I hear people say I have done plastic surgery on my nose.  I cannot imagine a desire to fix my nose of all the things I would to my body. It sounds very ridiculous.
I don’t have the time to dislike anybody. Mistakes and faults are an integral part of us as humans.
Saddest day 
The saddest day of my life was the day my dad died.
Beauty secrets
I stay away from make-up when I’m off set. I also eat right and drink plenty of water.
Plans for 2014
I plan to keep at what I am doing. I know I can only get better.
Last word for fans
I am truly humbled and grateful for their support over the years.

Gay man in Cameroon jailed for text message dies

YAOUNDE, Cameroon (AP) — A gay man in Cameroon who was jailed for sending a text message to another man saying “I’m very much in love with you,” and who was later declared a prisoner of conscience by Amnesty International, has died, according to a lawyer who worked on his case.

Roger Jean-Claude Mbede, 34, died Friday roughly one month after his family removed him from the hospital where he had been seeking treatment for a hernia, lawyer Alice Nkom said.
“His family said he was a curse for them and that we should let him die,” she said.
Mbede was arrested in March 2011 in connection with the text message and convicted the following month under a Cameroonian law that imposes up to five years in prison for homosexual acts. He received a three-year sentence.
Cameroon brings more cases against suspected gays than any other African country, according to Human Rights Watch. The rights group said in a March 2013 report that at least 28 people had been charged under the law in the past three years.
Mbede developed the hernia while in prison. In July 2012, he was granted provisional release on medical grounds, according to Human Rights Watch, and went into hiding. An appeals court upheld his conviction in December 2012.
“I accuse the state,” said Nkom, the most prominent of a small group of lawyers in Cameroon willing to defend suspects charged with violating Cameroon’s anti-gay law. “If there had not been criminalization of homosexuality, he would not have gone to prison and his life would not be over. His life was finished as soon as he went to prison.”
Cameroonian officials have been unapologetic about their enforcement of the anti-gay law, and have rejected recommendations from the U.N. Human Rights Council to protect sexual minorities from violence. Appearing before the council in September 2013, Anatole Nkou, Cameroon’s ambassador to Geneva, testified that a prominent gay rights activist found tortured and killed last year died because of his “personal life,” prompting outcry from international rights groups.

Olamide is an ILLUMINATI member,The secret of ‘Gun Man Pose’ revealed

Well, am not surprised of his involvement. His sudden rise to fame could not have convinced me better, here is an article circulating online already and it seems real!!! Read and check it yourself!!!
“My People Perish Because Of Ignorance” No other Addage could have Ever Explained This Scenerio Any better, what started ou tas a mere Album Art pose has Escalated to A Demonic Epidermic…
Never Ignore These Hand signs They Play Significant Roles in Most Occultic Society,Just Like Catholics have the ”sign of the cross” these occultic gatherings also have theirs  …
The Devil Has Invented New Mechanised Means to channel lots of ignorant souls to hell, do not take these hand signs for granted  they play a very significant role in the occultic world, After Olamide released his third album ‘Baddest Guy Ever Liveth‘  Last year, fans have been showing the rapper love by imitating his so called ‘gunman pose’ but Little Do They Know That they were literally Mocking God And Giving Praise to the Devil.

Life is Very simple its Either you are for God or Against him but ”My People Perish Because Of Ignorance” the truth is very clear Oyedepo, Adeboye, Okotie, Oyakhilome and many others are strong men who dedicated their life to preach The Gospel of God same goes for kanye, rihanna, lady gaga and many more these people have also dedicated their life to preaching The Gospel and its for the Devil.
 It’s hard to say who the hottest Hip-hop artiste in Nigeria is at the moment but when it comes to the rapper with the most passionate fans, Olamide is taking the lead Plus he Bagged Home 3 headies.
My Brother Before You Think Of Striking The Gun Man Pose Again Think