After Eating Grass: Pastor Lesego Daniel’s Church Members Fall Sick [Photos]

Just few days after reports that  South African Pastor Lesego Daniel of Rabboni Centre Ministries made his congregation eat grass to ‘be closer to God’ went viral, in-case you missed that here’s the STORY .  it has now been revealed that dozens of church members are now ill as an aftermath.
Photos that follow show dozens of people getting sick in the toilets – an image of the bathrooms show women clutching their stomach, while the men are vomiting in the sink.
A news paper reports that during a service of at least 1,000 people in a marquee  Daniel screamed ‘sleep’ and six people went to sleep.
He ordered other congregants to slap and trample on them, but the sleepers remain rigid and unresponsive until he ordered them to wake up.
‘You can leave them like this for six months. I love this, I don’t want to be bored. You can even make police go to sleep when they come to arrest you,’ he said.
Although Daniel has not responded to the backlash that followed the report of his members eating grass and falling sick as a result, yesterday he posted on Facebook: ‘God is at work and His people are testifying right now at the farm. TO GOD BE THE GLORY.’
See photos below:
Religion hmm nawa o

Pope Francis baptises baby of an unmarried couple in the Sistine Chapel during Baptism Of The Lord mass at the Vatican

Pope Francis today, baptised the child of an unmarried couple during a ceremony in the Sistine Chapel, in Rome.
The unnamed parents and their child took part in the traditional Baptism Of The Lord mass with 31 others, commemorating the day St John baptised Jesus.
The Pope has previously spoken out to encourage priests to baptise the children of unmarried women in order to pass on the Christian faith, calling those who refuse ‘hypocrites’.
Do you think what the Pope has done is the right thing?

MATCH made in heaven: Injured Frank Lampard shops with fiancée Christine Bleakley… while his team romp to victory in Hull

His team-mates romped to a comfortable 2-0 victory over Hull City on Saturday afternoon, a win that placed them at the top of the Premier League table – for 24-hours, at least.
But while Eden Hazard and Fernando Torres found their scoring boots in the KC Stadium, Frank Lampard was strolling the streets of West London in a pair of forest green trainers.
The Chelsea and England ace was accompanied by fiancée Christine Bleakley for a brief shopping spree on the city’s Fulham Road – and they appeared to be in high spirits as they made their way home, laden with bags.

Frank, 35, was in a cheerful mood – no doubt aware that his team were ahead against Hull while he continues to recover from the muscle injury that has kept him out of action since the turn of the year.
The gallant midfielder had no qualms about carrying the bags following their visit to a local M&S, and carry them he did while Christine, 34, hooked one of her two free hands around his left arm.

Beyonce’s Mom — My 60th Birthday Party Was Epic!

Beyonce’s mom and sister Solange made a grand entrance at Tina Knowles’ 60th birthday party in New Orleans Saturday night … while boring big sis Beyonce snuck in through the side.

A marching band led the way as Solange and Tina showed up to tons of fanfare outside the masquerade bash on elaborate horse-drawn carriages.

Lost of celebs showed … including  Kelly Rowland, Monica, Jennifer Hudson and of course Jay Z.  The shindig was thrown at  Muriel’s Jackson Square … which cost Bey and Solange $100k minimum.

Beyonce was even elusive inside, but we got this pic of Kris Jenner posing with her … of course.

Source: TMZ

US Declares 16 States Unsafe In Nigeria – See List

The United States has revised its travel alert on Nigeria, warning its citizens against travelling to 16 states in the country.

The latest alert, includes the three north eastern states that have been under emergency rule after a presidential declaration on May 14, 2013.
Released on January 8 by the State Department, the US appealed to its citizens to avoid all, but essential travels to Adamawa, Bauchi, Bayelsa, Borno, Delta, Gombe and Jigawa states.
The other states on the list, which the alert said are prone to kidnappings, robberies and other armed attacks are Kaduna, Kano, Katsina, Kebbi, Niger, Plateau, Sokoto, Yobe, and Zamfara.
Abia, Akwa Ibom, Edo, Imo and Rivers states, which were in an earlier list issued in June, 2013 are not on the latest travel list.
The world power described the security situation in Nigeria as “fluid and unpredictable,’’ and also warned against travel to the Gulf of Guinea because of the threat of piracy.
The country urged its citizens to be particularly vigilant around “government security facilities, places of worship and locations where large crowds may gather’’.
“Security measures in Nigeria remain heightened due to threats posed by extremist groups.
“Boko Haram, an extremist group based in northeast Nigeria designated as a Foreign Terrorist organisation by the Department of State, has claimed responsibility for many attacks, mainly in northern Nigeria,’’ the statement read.
According to the State Department, the Ansaru group, an offshoot of Boko Haram, has carried out several kidnappings, targeting foreigners in Nigeria.
It noted that the group also claimed responsibility of other violent acts in the past years.culled